Yep, that's an official mode now, not just a private server thing.
Yep, that's an official mode now, not just a private server thing.
Resident Evil Remaster. It's a masterpiece. Alien Isolation can be quite tedious in areas and it's split a ton of people right down the middle. You either love it, or you oppose it's existence.
Yeah, that's the only game both of my brothers will play with me! We usually use stupid rules, like low gravity super speed rockets etc.
Once every few months my friend would have what he called a "funfest", where 12-16 of us would system link xboxes and play Halo 2. I sucked at it. That's probably why I hated Halo for so long haha.
Eh. I tried playing multiplayer with a friend, but he'd spent like months building his team and he kept flogging me, so I gave up, because if this is what a guy who doesn't play much I'd hate to go online.
Couch multiplayer is the only way to play fighting games. I don't know how you could play with a random if you can't swear at them/look smug when you spam one attack and win.
Yeah, I still need to play Smash Bros...
That's pretty awesome :)
I'm still a solo gamer. And I get grumpy when playing co-op. Ask Bilby. Playing Diablo with me must be a nightmare haha. Or WoW. She wants to explore and I'm just like "NO! Do the quests, we can explore later..." I'm a terrible person to game with haha.
That game is awesome. I actually found a few servers online and had a game of that the other day, it was awesome.
But yeah, that is one thing that sucks about online gaming. I lost a lot of drive to keep playing Guild Wars 2 once my guild disbanded.
I may have asked you this before, but what are your opinions on CS:GO?