It's certainly not better than Zelda (what is?), but it's definitely easier than Zelda (the original Zelda). Zelda is far superior, but this is a nice diversion.
It's certainly not better than Zelda (what is?), but it's definitely easier than Zelda (the original Zelda). Zelda is far superior, but this is a nice diversion.
Well you may want to download this one if you like Zelda-type adventure games. It's a fun little game (for the most part).
You know someone isn't cool if he constantly has to tell you he's cool.
Kids can certainly enjoy it, but kids are not very critical. My nephews LOVE the CGI Donkey Kong Country show, which doesn't make sense to me, but to them, it's great.
Yeah, check it out. It's more simple and certainly easier than Zelda, so that's good. The first two Zelda games are pretty tough, the rest of the series being quite easy. But that's just how it was back then.
Hm, haven't seen the cross-over. Is it any good?
The Mortal Kombat cartoon is all right.
Zelda clones are usually good because they're imitating a really good game (same with most Mario Bros. clones). Another Zelda-type game that's more modern is Okami, which is a really great game.
Try it out, but I'm warning you, it might be too painful for you to handle. And one episode is all it takes.
Absoutely! Gonna buy it today! Any game with Phoenix Wright in it is a must-buy for me. Hopefully the Layton puzzles won't be too tough for me, but I think I'll manage.
As a kid, nothing is more cool than Mario. But then you grow up. Eew, time has not been good to you, Mario Super Show.