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Cary Woodham's Comments - Page 154

A BaD Interlude: What I've been Playing

Posted on 02/10/2021 at 11:23 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Aside from the occasional game to review, I play Animal Crossing pretty regularly.  I'm also trying to beat Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity so I can move onto something else.  Right now I'm on Chapter 7, so I'm almost done.  I play the game on 'easy' so hopefully it won't get ridiculously hard at the end.  I want to finish the game because I just got Ys 9 in the mail and I want to play that next.  It's really the first big 2021 game I've been looking forward to.

And speaking of Breath of the Wild, Hyrule Warriors, and Divine Beasts.  Since Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity is a prequel to BotW, one of the neat things you can do in it is actually PILOT the Divine Beasts sometimes.  It's just in there for fan service, but it's still fun to trample over thousands of tiny soldiers on the ground while driving a giant mechanical elephant or camel.  Hopefully in Breath of the Wild 2, you'll be able to combine all four Divine Beasts into one giant robot: Voltron style!  Look for that in Breath of the Wild 2: Go! Go! Triforce Rangers! :)

Forgotten Gaming Mascots #8: Awesome Possum

Posted on 02/09/2021 at 08:49 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Since I didn't have a Genesis as a kid, I never played this one either.  And even if I did have one, i might've not played it anyway.  I remember hearing it was pretty bad, and by then I was SO tired of me-too Sonic wannabes.  Plus I was also already getting tired of all the 'save the enviornment' cartoons and games in the 90's.  These kinds of games really made me lose my faith in 2-D platformers for a while (which is another reason why I was more into RPGs back then), and because of that, it's also one of the reasons why I don't like Sonic that much.  Aside from dabbling in stuff like Super Metroid and Yoshi's Island, I didn't really regain faith in mascot 2-D platformers until Klonoa on PSOne came along.  Oh man, now Klonoa would make an excellent topic for a forgotten game mascot!

BaD Six: Venting

Posted on 02/09/2021 at 08:42 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I know Blitz is supposed to be arcadey and a lot of poeple like it, but I just can't get into football video games.  I've tried, too, with stuff like Tecmo Bowl and NES Play Action Football.

BaD #6: Electric Yo-Yo

Posted on 02/09/2021 at 08:39 AM | Filed Under Blogs

There are so many games on that Taito Legends collection, and it's been so long since I played it, that I forgot about this one.

Forgotten Gaming Mascots #7: Titus the Fox

Posted on 02/09/2021 at 08:38 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I never played this one.  There were a lot of mascot platformers I skipped out on back then.  If they were not available to rent at my local rental place, I usually didn't play them.  And the ones I did rent, I wasn't very impressed with.  I think the only one I rented that stuck out in my mind was Plok, but that was only because the music was good.  I do remember Titus using that fox in their logo for a while.  Titus the game company is out of business, so we won't be seeing that fox anymore either.

Forgotten Gaming Mascots #6: Zool

Posted on 02/07/2021 at 08:22 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I never played the Zool games.  They came out at a time I was more into RPGs and was tired of all the me-too Sonic inspired mascot platformers.

There's a rumor that Ninjabread Man, considered by many to be one of the worst Wii games ever made, actually started out as a 3-D Zool title!

Oh yeah, BaD Five

Posted on 02/07/2021 at 08:19 AM | Filed Under Blogs

When I was a little kid and went to Chuck E. Cheese one time, I was playing the Mario Bros. arcade game and I felt another player trying to put a quarter in to play with me.  They were having some trouble and bumped into me and so I was like, "what the heck" and looked over and it was the Chuck E. Cheese costume mascot trying to play the game with me!

Many years later when I was a lot older, we had relatives visit and we took my much younger cousin to Chuck E. Cheese.  This time the costumed mascot tried to sit on me while we were eating.  It was all in fun, though, and we all laughed at it.

Once my brothers were old enough to enjoy Chuck E. Cheese for their birthdays, the costumed mascot was looking pretty ragged by then.  One of the eyebrows on it was even torn off, and he had no tail!

As a kid, I always thought the Chuck E. Cheese pizza was nasty.  I would only eat one slice and then go run off to play arcade games.  So years later when my brothers would go there for their birthdays, they had a italian sub sandwich you could order and I would always get that.  And I'm not picky about pizza either, so you know it must've been bad!  I hear the pizza's better now, but I don't have anyone in my life with young kids right now, so I won't be going there anytime soon to find out!

Captain N's Games of the Decade: Expansion Pass #25

Posted on 02/06/2021 at 08:59 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Nintendo Land was so cool. We played it tons.  I'd love a new one on the Switch.

Oh yeah, BaD Five

Posted on 02/06/2021 at 08:57 AM | Filed Under Blogs

As a kid, I never thought those Chuck E. Cheese robots were that scary.  Although MANY years later when one of my little brothers had his birthday there, the back of one of the robot's heads fell off!  We all laughed, but it did freak out some kids.  Five Nights at Freddy's really ruined the Chuck E. Cheese robots, now they don't even have them anymore.  A co-worker told me that now they just have a big screen TV instead of the robot stage.  You know that Nolan Bushnell, founder of Atari, also started Chuck E. Cheese.

BaD #5: Continental Circus

Posted on 02/06/2021 at 08:54 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I think Taito's most popular racing series is probably Chase H.Q.  They should make a Taito character kart racer!

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