That would be a cool feature... Good idea. I'm all for immersive features not on the screen.
That would be a cool feature... Good idea. I'm all for immersive features not on the screen.
Great. Now I need to buy a PS3 again...
Really? Huh, I love Bayonetta - especially the story. Well, the events that occur in the story. I have no idea whats going on, but it's insane and hilarious.
But yeah, I understand your point.
Yeah, I still think a game needs context, as that context enriches the overall experience. Even if it's something as simple as Super Meat Boys set up or even Marios. Without context even the best gameplay can feel meaningless.
I just prefer the intereraction to be the primary focus.
Both are important :) it's just that we tend to favour one over the other. Narrative used to be the huge selling point for me when I was in my teens though. Now I just want something fun/engaging/tense.
So the games you like the most don't tend to lean one way more than the other?
This is fair enough :) but di you lean more to one side or the other? I know I'm the same as you, but I have a tougher time getting into a game with poor mechanics than I do with a poor story.
Alright then sigmeiyer...
Damn awesome drawings! I wish i could draw, but I have shakey hands...
BaD isn't that bad, especially if you write short blogs. I'm doing questions this year, since last year I wrote lists and it nearly killed me.
No, actually I tried to convince you they were grumpy because their home was flooded and they didn't have insurance. You never listen :p