I honestly dont know, what came down looked like the deathstar from star wars,lol
I honestly dont know, what came down looked like the deathstar from star wars,lol
The world would never be the same O_O
I bet he regrets ever touching that power up, though that would honestly prolly be my reaction to the Star.
BAHAHAHAHA Id love to have the BFG in a zombie game, Talk about overkill!
I know right, its crazy when you think about it,lol! Though...Id totally be down for Pacman to beef up and have guns O_O
Im kind of on the fence about the game myself. Im thinking of going to Gamestop and canceling my preorder for the collectors edition. I still want the white PS4, my sister was getting the copy that came with the system. Worse case ill just sell it if it turns out she doesnt want it.
Oh man.......okay im not gonna say anything, I hope you enjoy the game ^_^
I love Twilight Princess, its def one of my fave Zelda games. The characters and story were done really well in my opinion. I especially love the wolf sections.
Yea, maybe but atleast were getting 6 to 7 days of beta thru Sony. Xbox is only getting 3 days.
You cant expect things to be perfect on things like this. No matter how much they prepare it sometimes isnt enough, not to mention Bungie didnt help with giving out 2 extra codes to people. Pretty much anyone can get on the beta without preordering because of that. Just sit relax and try to chill. They will get it solved out in good time.
Yea im getting it for the PS4, I have a PS3 but its mostly used for old games not on next gen.