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Nick DiMola's Comments - Page 17

Talking Game Shop

Posted on 11/18/2016 at 07:24 AM | Filed Under Blogs

To add to Joaquim's point, you can also hook up Paypal and avoid having credit card info in Steam directly. After having my credit card stolen a couple times, I've stopped putting it into any given site on the internet. I currently only have it hooked up to 2 places: Paypal and Amazon.

To make the Steam checkout more secure, he can then setup Paypal to require login every time he wants to buy something and it's more protected than just having the credit card in right there.

Short Update Before the World Ends

Posted on 11/09/2016 at 08:45 AM | Filed Under Blogs

So Trump won. I just want to go on the record stating that I did not vote for that "pile of orange shit," as Tami put it quite well. I'm terrified for what happens next.

Spooky Reviews!

Posted on 10/30/2016 at 03:41 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Not sure why, but I didn't really enjoy Axiom Verge. I felt like I wanted to like it more than I actually liked it. I love Metroid games so much too, but this one just felt off to me.

The end was also pretty aggravating too. Most of the enemies did tremendous damage and getting through certain areas was a real slog. I guess I'm in the vast minority, but I'm glad everyone else really enjoyed it.

Come At Me Fanboys.

Posted on 10/25/2016 at 07:14 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I've read some Malstrom stuff years ago. Can't say I'm much of a fan, but I am familiar with his work.

As far as the X1/PS4 comments, I guess I'm sorry for coming off so harshly, but it really is the reality of it. Fundamentally, they are walled gardens that offer nothing better/unique to the PC world. No mods, limited compatibility across console lifecycles, worse graphics and framerate, and fewer games. The only thing Sony has going for it are first party efforts, which have been very thin this gen. Bloodborne is literally the only reason I own a PS4. So, yeah.

At least Nintendo seeks to differentiate itself from being a pared down PC and I have an appreciation for their efforts to continue being a real console ecosystem. Unfortunately, they've done a lot to alienate third parties, so they've had weak showings for multiple generations on that front, but as I said, I have a PC for that stuff. Although, I would love to see third parties leverage the unique hardware, like we saw on the Wii, but that's a different discussion altogether.

Come At Me Fanboys.

Posted on 10/25/2016 at 11:47 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I understand. Some people are so obnoxious about Nintendo it's hard to stomach. I used to write for Nintendo World Report, so I get it totally. There are many straight up apologists who accept everything Nintendo does as gospel and will actively hate other games that are blatantly good, just because they're not on Nintendo systems.

The internet can be a horrible echochamber like that.

Come At Me Fanboys.

Posted on 10/25/2016 at 10:33 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I think you're likely blanketing all Nintendo fans, when all Nintendo fans certainly don't feel that way on all of those topics. I'll take myself, for instance. The way they handle YouTube is poor and misguided. They should embrace that platform and support YouTubers who effectively help in advertising their games.

Their pricing models are poor as well. Games need to come down in price over time. It creates a market where, as a fan of their games, I'm in the unfortunate position of buying at full price because it's unlikely I'll ever get the game cheaper in the future. I've been burned a few times with that too, which sucks, but generally I'll stomach that because they make games I enjoy greatly. Their Virtual Console pricing is equally poor. They should be selling those games extremely cheap and they should have a more robust offering of games that cross platforms.

When it comes to their interfaces for control - I love them. I know a lot of people don't, but I enjoy playing games with interesting new interfaces. Are they always perfect? No. But they hit for me more often than they miss.

Their internet offerings are SIGNIFICANTLY better than they've ever been before. I can honestly say that my internet interactions from the Wii U have been no different than playing games online for the the PS4. Not sure what else people want on that front, but the Wii U was no Wii when it came to online play.

Otherwise, I find them to be one of the only reasons I'm still interested in console gaming. Their games are quite enjoyable and their approach to console gaming is unique and interesting. The PS4/X1 are just shitty PCs. I have a PC that I can play games on and it's better than the PS4/X1 in every imaginable way.

I get you feel differently, but all Nintendo fans are not mindless drones. Do we accept some shitty stuff the company does? Yes. There's really no option when you enjoy what they bring to the table. To personify the company, they are very much like an oddball auteur. You're not going to love everything about them, but you accept their flaws/quirks because their art is so great.

More In Depth Thoughts on the Switch

Posted on 10/22/2016 at 01:11 PM | Filed Under Blogs

3D Mario games are my favorite and generally are much more interesting than their 2D counterparts. Very excited to see a new one coming despite the sales. Rather have games that do different stuff than games that just sell well. That mentality is part of the reason the console game market has gotten so safe and boring.

Nintendo Reveals New System, Switch

Posted on 10/20/2016 at 11:19 AM | Filed Under Feature

Holy crap this thing looks incredible! Nintendo knocked it out of the park. Can not wait for this thing.

My GOTY Shortlist is a long ass list.

Posted on 10/18/2016 at 05:18 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I think the world of Dark Souls 3 is really interesting and I appreciated navigating it and seeing the places where things did interconnect. Sure, Dark Souls 1 does that better and that definitely plays a part in why it's my favorite. I thought that the lore on display was pretty fascinating in how it linked back and brought cohesion to the entire arc of the games.

Broadly speaking, all of the games provide the same thing to me, which is a challenging quest of exploration and discovery. There's all sorts of hidden tidbits to uncover, whether it's hidden areas or pieces of story or gear or whatever. Regardless of the game of the series, they all do that stuff incredibly well. The extremely tight gameplay mechanics and the wide variety of build types and play styles make all of the games extremely fun.

With Dark Souls 3 in particular, I felt that they meshed the best parts of Bloodborne's mechanics with the best parts of the more traditional Souls mechanics. This made the gameplay experience extremely enjoyable and the game just felt like an incredible step up after Dark Souls 2. I literally had to stop myself from playing the game a fifth time through after it came out and just move over to finally playing through Bloodborne. To me, that's a pretty clear indication of how tight of a grip Dark Souls 3 had on me.

I think it just comes down to what you want out of the games. While all similar, DaS 1/2/3, DeS, and BB all offer something a bit different and their differences make them unique and interesting to me. First and foremost, I'm a gameplay guy and I think Dark Souls 3 really did it best in the whole series. But as an overall experience, there's just no question that Dark Souls 1 has the best stuff on offer.

I do think that one of the worst decisions they ever made in the series was moving back to having that Nexus-style hub space. Leveling up at a bonfire was awesome and made them feel so much more important in the grand scheme of the game. While Firelink always felt like "home," it didn't play a special role, other than being a centralls located area where other parts of the world looped back to. Majula was a weird cross of the Nexus from DeS and Firelink in DaS, but DS3 and Bloodborne's central areas were totally isolated from the rest of the world, which was a shame. I hope if there's ever a new Dark Souls or another Bloodborne-type spin-off they reassess this decision and leverage the original Dark Souls blueprint.

My GOTY Shortlist is a long ass list.

Posted on 10/17/2016 at 03:40 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Dark Souls 3 hater, sort of, I guess. Also, Nick is right. Dark Souls 3 rocks.

Just started Severed and goddamn is it good. I fucking love Drinkbox. I've played some of these games, but not most of them. Salt and Sanctuary is totally on my must-play list. But really it's mostly because I need to keep playing Souls or Souls-like games. I have a problem.

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