All 3 of those are great. Vesperia has a great battle system and cast, Abyss has a great story and Graces F is pretty unique compared to the others. That will be fun to catch up with.
All 3 of those are great. Vesperia has a great battle system and cast, Abyss has a great story and Graces F is pretty unique compared to the others. That will be fun to catch up with.
hopefully. I hear Xillia 2 has a lot of improvements over the original. And yeah even if Graces f wasn't as good as Vesperia in my book, it was (and still is) a blast. (Currently working my way through the future arc of the story)
interesting to see Legendia as your favorite. I had issues with Legendia, mainly becase the art style looked kinda cheap to me, but i hear the plot was solid.
I totally agree. It was a good game, but Vesperia is gonna be hard to beat in my book. I enjoyed that game a ton. Yuri ftw!
Yeah don't get me wrong, I definitely enjoyed Graces f a lot. Just not as much as some of the other titles. I do agree though, having a stronger voice is def not a negative...I guess it was just how the line was read that has people up in arms.
I totally agree. The dlc made me laugh and grin the whole time, and I even got choked up a bit at the end. It was a great sendoff imo. Im actually writing up a feature with some impressioins of all the ME3 dlc's, so ill have some more of my thoughts on it there.
I can think of a lot of games that were close to my heart that had cel-shading. Wind Waker, Viewtiful Joe, and Okami are just some of them. I really enjoy the style, and find it to prove that you don't need ultra realistic graphics to be a beautiful game. I think it might turn off some audiences, but I always enjoy some cel-shaded eye candy.
Btw, Wind Waker always has a soft spot for me. It was the first Zelda I bought myself, and the first I completed. It was an amazing experience. Cant wait for the HD remake!
Though I have a soft spot for Live and Learn, and even a funny relationship with Sonic Boom, Chemical Plant Zone is totally my favorite hands down. Perhaps its nostalgia, but its just...perfect
agreed. i definitely plan on playing through the series again sometime down the road.
Yeah, It doesnt completely satisfy my PoP itch, but it has a small essence of it.