Great post, Angelo. Since I've talked about this subject enough already, I'll expand my thoughts more when part 2 or however many you do are up.
Great post, Angelo. Since I've talked about this subject enough already, I'll expand my thoughts more when part 2 or however many you do are up.
Finally found the time to read this, Jesse. Excellent work! At the risk of pondering on this subject further, the more I've thought about this subject, the more I've noticed how much I agree with the point you've made about there always be a main objective to games and how that hinders video games being considered art. That truly is something that offsets a lot of what could be considered artistic. I still feel games can be art but now I think that when they are, it is despite that title's main point or objective.
Oh and semantics I'm sure but I hate it when video games are called toys. The word toys implies they are only for children and are not to be taken seriously. They're entertainment, that's to be sure, but not childish play things. This is probably me being reactionary but well, there you go.
I believe we didn't start bumping heads on this podcast because although all of us besides Jesse believe video games can be art, he had a sensible argument as to why he didn't think that way. Maybe it wasn't a persuasive argument but it wasn't meant to be. I don't want to speak for my fellow podcast members but I myself still feel video games are art. Jesse doesn't and that's fine. Furthermore, Jesse's fine with me thinking video games are art. We just disagree but can respect and understand each other's point of view and that goes for the rest of the cast.
The game's too easy and essencially you'll be doing the same thing over and over. This is true but for me, it didn't hinder the experience so much that I didn't enjoy it and still am enjoying. Also, I really liked the way character development was done so that kept me interested. Ironically, the gameplay is probably the weakest aspect of the game.
It truly is a well designed game. From a gameplay perspective, it's flawed but it truly is a beautiful game. I'm not sure if I'd say it's artistic, as was my argument, but it does have elements of artistry.
Not really subtle or a tease for that matter but WHO CARES! J to the YEAH, Jet Grind Radio!
I'm almost positive I'm getting Skyrim on the PC because of that Randy Savage mod. I already have Oblivion on PC so why not?
I like Julius Caesar, Angelo. You're not alone.
Why does Capcom keep treating this game like an exclusive club? It's annoying.