I should start consulting you to write my abstracts.
I should start consulting you to write my abstracts.
What if the site doesn't return? WHAT WILL WE DO THEN?
I disagree with the statement made in the abstract. The mainline Pokémon games have become stale and uninteresting, so trying out different gameplay ideas is exactly what the franchise needs. There's a lot of potential in a Pokémon game with real-time combat, don't let a poorly designed cash-in game like this make you blind to it.
You must use a mop to solve as many stages as possible!
Don't look at me, I'm not the one sexually attracted to a red videogaming system.
"Sexy red Wii"? Why do you want to have sex with this red Wii?
I have the NES version (it was like $1) and it suffers pretty much the same issues, except no one looks like who they're supposed to be since they're all so pixelated. Like Deal or No Deal, this game show is far more entertaining to watch than it is to play.
Good catch, but the word I meant to type was "integrate."
It wouldn't mean no stick-spinning, but it could mean that Bowser battle wouldn't exist.
Wait, Rare made Kinect Sports? That seems like a waste of their talent.
I'm not sure if it is actually titled Superman 64. If you look at the box, there is no title, just a picture of Superman opening his shirt to reveal the famous S. On the back though, it says "Superman: The New Superman Adventures." So that might be the title? Or is the title simply "S"? Also, it was released in May 1999, not 1998.
Wii Music is like Donkey Konga too. It's got the freakin' happy birthday song.
The Virtual Boy was created by Gunpei Yokoi, who also created the Game Boy, a massive success for Nintendo. I think Yokoi put his reputation on the line for it, and Nintendo was likely skeptical but decided to go ahead with his vision anyway. I'm sure there's a story there somewhere.