I could see that. Would be cool if they'd at least put most of those Japanese games on PSN even if they didn't translate them. I'm sure Vita owners would be more likely to ignore that they aren't translated if they're getting something.
I could see that. Would be cool if they'd at least put most of those Japanese games on PSN even if they didn't translate them. I'm sure Vita owners would be more likely to ignore that they aren't translated if they're getting something.
Well part of it is how Sony's relied on 3rd parties a lot more than Nintendo and they're choosing to support the 3DS over the Vita most of the time. I don't think Sony anticipated for this few number of developers to support it.
I love mine, just wish I had more to play on it.
Really, I can see Sony dropping all these Vita-PS4 features so easy though. They drop things like that all the time.
I love mine too. I think the problem is less the price and more that they're not justifying the price.
I really like the ideas of categorizing friends and acknowledging whether games are beaten. I'm most interested on recording gameplay personally. I would love if this could give me an easy way to get gameplay clips for video reviews on YouTube, always wanted to do those.
Rayman and Dragon's Crown are ports as well. The thing about 3DS is it still had a solid lineup on the horizon. They showed off Luigi's Mansion, Fire Emblem, SMT 4, Animal Crossing, Project X Zone, Monster Hunter, Castlevania and Smash Bros (thought didn't show anything on the last one until this year). These games were known about around this time last year too, there was stuff to get excited about. That's the difference between the two. If there was a lot of games announced, I wouldn't be saying this. There's just not.
Well, that's my point. A healthy system should have a good stream of original games, or at least ports that aren't on something else current gen like Persona 4.
I'm unsure of what you mean by more games get announced every week. Unless you mean downloadable games which I admittedly don't pay much attention to. But even then they seem to be mostly ports.
I think we'd have at least something new and big to be excited for in 2014 if it would be around for a couple more years. They're hurting it with memory card prices too.