Well, who didn't see this coming What a surprise!
Well, who didn't see this coming What a surprise!
I've had the opportunity to play this game, and it's really fantastic. I'm not sure at what price it'll release here, but $20 for either edition seems like a pretty reasonable price given the content.
Depending on my ambition, I might throw together a review for you guys soon, so let me know if you're interested.
One more day... *gargle*
Seriously, this is exactly what I wanted, so I commend Rare for getting it in there. I still don't understand how they didn't include it in the first place. Seems like an obvious omission, but whatever, no big deal.
I really need to organize some 4-player local-multiplayer matches because this game was absolute gold with a few friends, but so often framerate used to kill the experience. With that concern out of the way, I'm expecting some epic matches in the near future.
This game kicks ass.
Most definitely, more reader mail please! I think that when a clear topic has been laid out, it's easy to talk about it, and the conversation feels less rehearsed. Additionally, it encourages conversation, the most important thing in a podcast.
This is a great offering that is most definitely tainted by horrible DRM. I really wish Capcom and other publishers would knock this crap off. The only people being hurt by this scheme are the people who legitimately buy it. Everyone else is going to figure a way around if they really want to steal it.
Agreed on that, Pedro. I don't understand why Capcom wouldn't aim for a Wii release using the Tatsunoko engine, but not releasing it does keep in line with this strong divide between the Wii and the other HD systems this generation.
It's a weird side effect of this generation, but an unfortunate one for Wii-only owners.
This kicks off my week of trolling this game. Thus far, I despise it. It seems absolutely no better than the original PS2 game, which was already riddled with issues.
I can understand some of the online appeal, but honestly, is that enough to sell you on the game when much better MMOs exist out there?
Every part of this news is made of win, particularly Okamiden, MvC 3 and Bionic Commando Rearmed 2.