I think I need to educate you on Final Fantasy Legend vs. Final Fantasy Adventure. The Collection of Mana series has Final Fantasy Adventure. It has NOTHING to do with Final Fantasy Legend. In fact, neither of those games have anything to do with Final Fantasy at all! In Japan, Final Fantasy Legend is part of the SaGa series. Have you ever played any of the SaGa Frontier games? Those are sequels to the original Game Boy trilogy. Final Fantasy Adventure is the first game in the "Mana" series, which is why it's on the collection. They were just changed to have the Final Fantasy name in the US for name recognition. In Japan, the SaGa (Final Fantasy Legend) series have been more traditional turn based RPGs while the Mana (Final Fantasy Adventure) games are more like action RPG Zelda-ish games.
I wish I could help you on FF6 but I'm not really clear as to where you are.
Streets of Rage 2 is fantastic. One of the few Genesis games that really impressed me.
I'm not a big fan of Sonic games, but I will say 2 is better than 1. Mainly because Tails is in it.
My main problem with Lil' Gator Game is the same as yours. Would love a map or something. Still a great game, though.