I love game manuals and miss them ... but the ones from the NES/SNES era, so maybe this is different.
I love game manuals and miss them ... but the ones from the NES/SNES era, so maybe this is different.
I would imagine Tekken 3 on PlayStation would be better than the arcade, unless the arcade cabinet also had all those extra modes I loved playing.
It's funny how Punch Out! became a classic by going backwards, technologically speaking.
This is a cool idea for a blog.
I'm the opposite. I love a good 2D challenge, but in 3D I'm always wondering how the fuck I got hit and from where.
Castlevania IV definitely drags in places and Stage 5 doesn't really need to exist. When it's good it's REALLY good, and I think it's more replayable than other Castlevanias due to the relatively lower diffiiculty, but I more or less agree with what you're saying.
I'd love 2D indie recommendations. Still need to finish Rondo of Blood though. Not a huge fan of the bats on the clocktower level always fucking me up before I even get in the clocktower.
Will do.
Loved LEGO Batman. So funny. I definitely had a better time in the theater than with family though. I don't think my family appreciated a lot of the references as much.
I'd love to play a Facebook game with friends, but at most I'll get a week or two of the same two/three friends out of it before we both decide we don't have the time.
Yeah, my issues with Kiwami are mostly that it felt like a step back from 0, but hopefully people will still experience all the awesome parts and not put it down because of that bullshit regenerating health bar nonsense you don't see in the other Yakuza games.
Still a great title though.
Bulletstorm has been fun so far. I'm hesistant to download the PS+ version of Yakuza Kiwami in case it messes with my Blu Ray of the game somehow ... I kinda would like to just have it digitally though.
I need to check out that Cuphead cabinet. Sounds fun. I'll have to see what my scores are like if it's in or near a bar ...
Yeah, you'd think round balls would be no-brainer ornaments. Half the time they just morph cutesy characters like Pikachu into balls anyway, if I'm not mistaken.
Your Christmas present is a date with Cammy from Street Fighter. Apparently, she likes cats. Maybe take her to a cat cafe?
If romance isn't your thing, then a Pac-Man Christmas ornament in whatever style you want. It eats literal bad ghosts, so your house will never be haunted again.
That's possible. I haven't unlocked hard mode, but while I've died plenty on Normal, I haven't really had cause to throw my controller, especially since the levels and boss battles are fairly short, which gives you a chance to recognize patterns.
The floating platforms are fine by me if you mean Castlevania IV, it's the fact you can't see obstacles and pretty much have to die the first time to figure out what to do that bugs me. Like I said, I did end up beating Dracula though. The game just restarts and gets harder. I made it to about level 3 or so on the harder mode before calling it quits.
Why don't you like school? I might need to go back, either for a doctorate or for certifications.