Well, what makes the Kingdom Hearts news notable is that the game is now confirmed for release in America. Before it was still unannounced, but everyone knew it was coming anyhow.
Well, what makes the Kingdom Hearts news notable is that the game is now confirmed for release in America. Before it was still unannounced, but everyone knew it was coming anyhow.
Pretty crappy week it seems. I couldn't careless about old Castlevania, so a big skip on Rondo of Blood.
I don't think I've ever seen Chessa angry before...
I won't say much about my feelings on the controller, as I'm doing an opinion piece on it right now, but I have some mixed feelings about it. It most definitely is a rip of the Wii Remote, but I'm not particularly sure that's a bad thing.
Oh don't worry, this is a potential PlayBit, just not for this week. We'll probably do an import themed one where we showcase a bunch of different games.
Well this is too bad. I'm not the biggest fan of their games (don't like the genre), but it was evident that they were quality work. Hopefully someone grabs them up while they are on the fritz (*cough* Nintendo *cough*) and allows them to continue developing titles.
I can definitely see the appeal of this game, but I'm not sure it's for me. Separate from Chessa playing I'll have to give it a shot again and see if I can get into it.
I think part of the problem is that I have so many other games on my plate to play right now that I can't ingrain myself in the experience, which seems necessary to truly appreciate this one.
I think I'm most blown away by the release of Other M in the first half of this year. Honestly, I figured that game for a 2011 release, regardless of what Nintendo touted at E3.
Being that the game is going to release on schedule, I have to assume that Nintendo is seriously going to release Zelda this year. I also get the impression that they will be revealing the DS2 this E3 and possibly even releasing it by year end.
As you guys said, Nintendo can be unpredictable, but one thing I know for sure is that they have never had this big of a release schedule at the beginning of the year. It can be argued that they did last year, but with Mario and Metroid dropping alongside a huge variety of other titles, I think the argument for something big in Q2 is pretty undeniable.
LOL. Holy shit that's hilarious.
Oh crap, better go check my name...
These are some badass announcements. Seems like Nintendo is really blowing their load here. I wonder what's coming and why they are getting all of this stuff out of its way...