Posted on 12/18/2013 at 11:46 PM
| Filed Under Blogs
Yea, I never really saw Kratos as that deep a character. It's the typical revenge story with a lot of brutal violence. But it's just the nature of his world. Things have to been brutally put down if you want to get anything done and the gods are total bastards. In Ascention there's lots of Medusa's getting split to the breast and Elephantaur's having their brains exposed. The Empusa get bent backward as Kratos impales them on their own insect-like legs. Eew! And kinda sexy. Sometimes an innocent gets in the way or has to be sacrificed to serve Kratos' purposes. Usually it's unavoidable, so there's no moral choice to be made. You just have to do it to progress. Kratos appeals to our primal memories of living in traditional societies where men are warriors from day one, might is right, and vengeance is the best form of justice. That's all.