Everyone needs to know GOG Kathrine. They have some great sales and it's all DRM free.
Everyone needs to know GOG Kathrine. They have some great sales and it's all DRM free.
Yeah the Surface Pro 3 comes with a pen also and it works very well for taking notes on the tablet itself but the HP Slate is the only one I've seen that lets you write on a notepad and transfers the result to the tablet.
The Surface Pro 3 is a nice Windows based tablet but at $800 and up it isn't a cheap solution.
The HP Slate Pro 12 is less than $600 (list) and there's an 8 inch version available. It's growing on me right now but the Surface has become my everyday work PC for the time being. I've got it hooked up to 2 external touch monitors through a Targus docking station. Works well.
Vanish balls can be purchased in the workshop. They allow you guaranteed escape from all but boss battles. That way if you make a mistake and are confronted by an FOE you can have your fastest team member use one to get away and try again.
I tend to store or sell anything I'm not going to use. That way my inventory always has lots of room for power spot and enemy drops. I'm running around with close to a million yen in my pocket right now. Suddenly healing is pretty cheap. :)
The 32 GB Vita card was launched at 100 and then dropped to 80 where it has remained the whole time here in Canada. I've never seen anyone selling it for less and yes it is outrageous. You would think that Sony would have learned their lesson on gouging people by forcing them to use proprietary memory cards. There's a Walmart by me that still has a 16 GB Pro Duo at 100 bucks. It's been there for years.
I'm finding if I have both light and dark instant kill on one or two party members I can end most battles in a single turn now. I also use the panic ailment a lot to prevent anything other than weak physical attacks. Carrying vanish balls for those pesky FOE encounters really helps too.
Try 150 which is what I'm sitting at and still not finished. My biggest problem is that I like to max out my characters and I'm only at level 75 right now.
Oh, and the big story reveal comes at the end of the Pride Exhibit so at least hang on until then. :)
I get like that and then the story kicks in again and I enjoy it for as while and then it starts feeling like a lot of work again.
The First 7 floors of the clock tower are small but not simple to get through then 8 and 9 are full sized floors like the other dungeons and require a lot of upstairs downstairs action in order to complete them. I know I'm close to the end so I'm going to complete it.
The Surface Pro 3 is billed as a laptop replacement but for many reasons I don't see it. (More on that later) The HP Android Tablet needs a Bluetooth mouse and keyboard to make it approximate a laptop because no keyboard/mouse = not a laptop replacement.
Turns out we didn't get the one with the SIM card slot. It looks like one but it's actually a microSD slot.