Posted on 04/18/2014 at 03:39 PM
| Filed Under Blogs
I played Neverwinter last night and I quite enjoy it. It plays alright on my PC but I might not fully jump into it till I buy the upgrade part for my PC. It plays similar to Diablo 3 skill wise which isnt to bad at all. Keeps things kind of controlled and not all over the place. I havent played FF14 in 2 days because I had been playing it day in and out since beta and early access so I needed a few days break.
WOW is good and I actually thought of joining back in on it but waiting for a few more peope to go in with it with me. I can play by myself but eventually i get bored and lonely so I give up. This fall the chracter models will update as well as the new expansion drops. Now would be a good time to try it out and see if you like it. You can play for free till level 20.