C'mon Chris, show those Angry Birds games who's boss and wipe 'em out!
C'mon Chris, show those Angry Birds games who's boss and wipe 'em out!
You shouldn't start Suikoden II unti you have finished the first one. :P
John Barleycorn could be my favourite Traffic album or maybe Low Spark... dunno.
Bitches Brew I found really hard to listen to even though I respect what Davis is doing on it.
Question of Balance is another favourite but I love all of the pre adult easy listening Moody Blues albums. Their early stuff was very much prog.
I remember getting this for the Dreamcast and enjoying it. One of the few fighters I could actually win on and a graphical knockout for it's time.
I think Farmer Man Cary is pretty much a polygamist by now. How many times have you been married in games Cary? They should have a TV show about it. :)
120 was about my first playthrough too. I didn't want it to end.
I'd like to see both of those but I have a problem sitting and watching when I could be doing. Never used to.
I'm keen to see your review of Story of Seasons Cary.
Five F'in Stars. I'm on the sixth floor of the final dungeon now but I may have to put it aside now that Xenoblade's back in town.