I played just a tiny bit of it, but since I just now finished all of Dragon Age Origins (DLC too) then I can now move on to something else. I gather finishing this demo won't take me that long.
I played just a tiny bit of it, but since I just now finished all of Dragon Age Origins (DLC too) then I can now move on to something else. I gather finishing this demo won't take me that long.
Octopath demo is up.
Wolfenstein 2 also. Like dafuq is this Nintendo haha.
Did you see how your Octopath characters were interacting with NPCs? Western RPG elements in a JRPG? Awesome.
Xenoblade is just becoming quite the gorgeous game.
Haha. We shall see. I'm on my way to find the "lost" paragon.
Well I'm in the Dwarf area right now. Almost finishing it. Oh gawd.
Were you stuck at the mountain with the Dragon where Andraste's urn is?
I hit several walls in Dragon Age Origins until I decided to fuck it and set the dificulty to Easy. Game is more fun this way for me. Let's me focus on story/plot rather than dealing with the abrasive difficulty in Normal. I only hit the walls at the 40 hour mark, so it's not like I wasn't trying.
You don't have to explore everything in BotW. You can just go for the finish line. Same for Andromeda...