I was introduced to Five Finger Death Punch through the newest Splatterhouse game. They're pretty damn good! Love the violin soloing too. Music as beautiful as the artist it comes from.
I was introduced to Five Finger Death Punch through the newest Splatterhouse game. They're pretty damn good! Love the violin soloing too. Music as beautiful as the artist it comes from.
Killer is dead might be that crazy. lol. I kind of want to play it because it looks absurdly awesome,JB!
Kojima has a good track record for deep characters,JB. And you're dead on about the protagonists and antagonists all being broken in some way. They're all tragically human despite how awesomely they perform on the battlefield. Metal gear is ridiculous and surreal in many ways but it also has a humanistic heart beating behind the science fiction/action movie pageantry.
Exactly. I think all the characters in Metal Gear have endured some kind of torture. It kind of goes with the line of work they're in. I imagine being a mercenary or soldier is rarely "fun".
As for the big majority of feminism,it's evolved into something I've come to loathe. It's not even about true equality anymore. It's about shaming men for expressing heterosexual tendencies. Seriously, a male artist or male writer should have the freedom to create a sexy female character without being accused of hating women. This is getting ridiculous. The loudest vocal bulk of the feminist party is becoming a lot like the Nazi party with its' propaganda.
I think so too. At least there was always symbolism behind Kojima's sexiness. I also always had the impression he portrayed women very well.
Beyond that I watched the 6th season of True Blood and saw everything from vampire rape to a guy getting his penis ripped off. Syndicated cable is far more racy than ANYTHING Kojima has ever thrown at me.
True that. What's sad is there was one time I thought I was a liberal. But in retrospect it seems like I'm no longer 'extreme' enough. lol.
Exactly Cary! I think sometimes people put too much thought into something that need not necessarilly be a problem.
Not to mention the scene where they're training child soldiers how to handle guns. That's what actually made my blood run a little cold. However, that's probably the point. Aka,show how ugly war truly is.
It's the James Bond they never made. "Invitation to Rape" was supposed to be the sequel to "License to kill". It took place in Japan where Bond had to fight heat packing school girls and sword wielding tentacle monsters!
Don't dress like a school girl while riding a Japanese tram! Rape-zorz invitation!