I'll be picking this one up when I can. I love the crafting in the series
I'll be picking this one up when I can. I love the crafting in the series
Thanks Esteban, I'm not giving up on the clock tower but it is taking me so long to get through this game and I don't know why.
I wish I still had my Wii copy.
Thanks Ash. Mum and dad seem a lot better so I'm not quite as stressed.
I have the first volume of Sandman and it was great. I'm still plugging through Embassytown because there are some really good ideas.
I'm just going to be glad to have Xenoblade back in my life again. A lot of love went into that game and we don't find that as much anymore.
Sure, that would be excellent Philip
In answer to your questions, Yes, and Yes! I can't wait for the handheld version even after putting 120 hours into the Wii version. It would be in my top 10 RPGs if I ever decide o figure those out.
5 stars for Alex. :)
I'm going to send you the code for Costume Quest. Blake still can't use it.
I wasn't reading at all (other than tech manuals) for years. I've fixed that.
Klonoa 3 would have been a day one purchase for me. :(
Well it's good to hear from you Jesse. I understand how life gets in the way sometimes.
The only system I am even slightly tempted to buy is a Wii U. I could pick up a decent library on that platform pretty quickly money permitting. PS4 has squat that interests me and if I bought one I feel I'd be buying games I'm not all that interested in just to have games for the thing. Of course I'd have a few to play from PSN+ but aside from that there's nothing that is "wow, I want to play that".
This gen seems really really slow moving. I might be more interested in the PS4 if I could play my digital PS1, PS2 and PS3 library on it but you can't even do that which is kinda sad and narrow minded of Sony. I have no interest in ever buying another Microsoft system so the Xbone will never enter the picture even if it gets 10 games that look good. I'll wait for PC versions and then for a Steam sale on them.
Maybe I'll save my pennies for a Wii U and call this gen done.
Oh, I'm way hyped for it. It was a world I didn't want to leave in the end. I can't wait to go back again.