The Troidhaugen is mental and I love it. Overall a great bunch of tracks. :)
The Troidhaugen is mental and I love it. Overall a great bunch of tracks. :)
You can make 8 look and operate exactly like 7 if you want to. Probably the same for 10
Well you don't actually need to set up the email account on 8. You can run with a local account if you wish.
Better than 8 so far but I'm assuming that Classic Shell will make it exactly like 7
You'll be fine Rodney, I already told you that. :P
I already own most of the ones I want. I picked up Katamari and Sam and Max Beyond Time and Space. Wild Arms is a really good PS1 RPG. I think I saw Wild Arms 2 there too but it's not on your list
I have two copies of Virtues Last Reward. One I bought from the eShop when it was one sale and one for Vita which was part of my PSN+ sub. I started it on the 3DS and played through the elevator puzzle. I thought it was pretty good.
If I ever get a Wii U this will be one of the first games I pick up.
The different faces are very cool.
Loved the N64 version. It got played over and over by my whole family until the phrases "use the boost to chase", "use bombs wisely" and "I can't let you do that Starfox were part of our day to day vocabulary.
We still haven't tried the 3DS version but I'd buy it if I could find it for a good price.