Yes, there adorable!
Yes, there adorable!
Yes Cary that is ANB,lol! I am trying to marry Allen in ANB still!
People feel the need to raise hell of the most ridiclous crap. I think its because they literally have nothing better to do. Especially feminist, im all for woamsn rights*me being one and all* but sometimes they raise bs over the most stupid shit possiable. I love how half the people who made a bitch storm out of things were woman. Can there be woman and then another name for woman that I can have, because I feel dont belong in the group no more! I swear none of those things bothered me, none.
People are out to play the blame game on peoples actions, thoughts, and downright personailty. Plan and simple. Back in the old days violent games werent given much media light but oh fuck, someone killed someone and they were playing this game at some point around the time, it must have influnced them! I fucking swear, we live in a world were peope cant take reponsibility for thier bullshit nor people accept they did it. They look for shit to blame so that the world can sleep a bit easier that a game caused, not because in just real life there are evil people. I fucking swear when will the moon be liveable on? Im done with earth!
Thank you! Tomorrow is weigh in day yet again, I wonder how it will go. Im noteither but it can give you great deals, just got to do things safely with it.
I have no prob trying to fix something broken, so far its been a cheap fix, well as long as the fix works,lol.
I honeslty didnt like Dead Nation, I played it once and deleted it after. The controls for me were ridiclous and made the game horriable to play. Im glad your enjoying it though! Im ready for the next free game to be announced and released on the PS4.
I really enjoyed MGSGZ, Im still playing it since it has the extra missions to do. Im ready for Phantom Pain to be released!
Mr. pibb is a drink and it doesnt have an e in it,lol!
Thats how it is for me, I am so far dong good with my system. I dont buy them unless Im at my bfs house since I do drink them there. Thats only one day though, the rest of the week is either water or green tea. Well occasionally, my dad will buy me a soda on his way home and I wont refuse a drink he buys me but its super rare.
You boring? Please Cary,lol!
I would adopt them too! Their adorable! I am enjoying Yoshi, I havent gotten to play a lot of it yet but I have had fun with what I have played.
Thats true, we def do. I know I have for years, most of my life I drank tea, soda, or juice. Never could get past the taste of water because it seem bleh to me. Im slowly gettting use to it.