I think they're going to burn it out soon and next gen AC will be failing at every turn to relive their glory days. Pity, it had a lot of potential.
I think they're going to burn it out soon and next gen AC will be failing at every turn to relive their glory days. Pity, it had a lot of potential.
That was a smart move
A little hostile are we? The internet's a terrible place to read sarcasm,so I wasn't sure. Didn't think you'd be bothered by that comment either way so sorry if you took offense
Here's what I want you to do: Go get every platinum trophy in every Uncharted game and tell me, "Yeah, that wasn't so bad."
You could have just as easily ended it with me on my second reply.
No chapter guide?
Here's an idea: You don't need to reply to everything I say. If you just ended it at the second comment we wouldn't be here. It's not a big deal to me, you're just leaving replies that are getting kind of annoying.
It's not that you disagre. Whether you think "I think I made the right call" isn't trashing it, you do see how it could be seen as that, correct? Honestly, I don't really care whether you like this series. It was more, what was the point of that comment? If you don't really have anything to add, why add anything at all?
I really liked this series. 1 was great. 2 was okay. 3 was mind blowingly awesome. 4 was good. Wouldn't call it the best series ever (that goes to Mass Effect, but then again I'm the fanboy there), but I can see how a lot of people think that.
Far Cry 3 did the hunting so much better.