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Blake Turner's Comments - Page 190

Best Games of the Decade: 2001

Posted on 10/07/2014 at 12:23 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Fair enough. Halo's going to be the case with a lot of people, and I don't blame them. It's just not for me I guess. I don't mind it, but it's just not that great to me.

 Jak 3 was pretty damn special :D. I got to play the first one first, as it came with my PS2.

And yes, Serious Sam is intense. The HD versions on PC are pretty cheap and they've done a really good job of updating the visuals of the game. I mean the game still holds up fairly well in the visuals department, which is damn surprising for a foreign indie dev team.

Best Games of the Decade: 2001

Posted on 10/07/2014 at 11:27 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Bilby, read the fourth paragraph. It got mentioned. And no, but I know you've watched me play Serious Sam. You should play Ico btw, you'd love it. And Shadow of the Collossus. GET ON THAT SHIT!

1up's end marks my new beginning

Posted on 10/07/2014 at 11:25 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Congrats on being a dad! And congrats on not dying during surgery! That's super awesome :D

 Also, yeah, I noticed 1up was dead when I tried to grab some of my old blogs to see if there were any good ideas I could rewrite. Oh well, it's gone now :'(

Well, hello again.

Posted on 10/07/2014 at 11:22 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Indeed, the music in Diablo has always been superb! Also, FUCK YEAH SHOVEL KNIGHT! I need to finish that game... but I'm topo busy with Silent Hill 3 at the moment.

Celebrating Five Years of PixlBit

Posted on 10/07/2014 at 11:15 AM | Filed Under Feature

Wow. This was beautiful and awesome and other words meaning superb. Seriously, this is a great site with a great - no, the greatest community on the internet.

 Also, lol Casey, are my Blogs really that offensive?

Reviews are Biased!

Posted on 10/07/2014 at 11:03 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I don't think they're meaningless, but they shouldn't be all a person looks at. Unfortunately not everyone has money to throw at games so reviews help a lot. You're fortunate to have a friend that can tell you what games are good, but not everyone has gamers as friends.

 I'm saying this mainly to say that I still find reviews valuable. Hell, I write a fair few of them now adays (even more now that metacritic is demanding we write 15 a month) so I'm pretty quick to jump on the defensive.

Reviews are Biased!

Posted on 10/07/2014 at 11:00 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah that's fair enough. I follow reviews a fair bit, but mainly to see how a game is fairing. I've gotten tons of joy out of games that didn't score well, such as Shadows of the Damned. But you're right, Totalbiscuits format is much better for allowing you to decide whether you'd like it or not.

Reviews are Biased!

Posted on 10/07/2014 at 10:58 AM | Filed Under Blogs

That rarely happens on the major sites. Smaller sites could quite easily tempted by it, as could Youtubers. The major sites like IGN, Gamespot, or Kotaku (yes even Kotaku) are pretty good with this. 

I hate gaming news sites! But not you darling Pixlbit!

Posted on 10/07/2014 at 08:42 AM | Filed Under Blogs

 No, I don't think they do it for attention. This guy has clear likes and dislikes, and he explained quite well why he hated this game. The same reasons he hated it were listed on other reviews, like Jim Sterling's who said despite it's glaring issues it will be one of his favourite games of the year. Having watched gameplay videos, there does seem to be some huge problems with it. Enough to warrant that low of a score? Maybe not, but that was the reviewers opinion.

 Sorry, but as someone who gets paid to write reviews I often jump on the defensive of other reviewers. A lot of people wouldn't have gall to give this game such a low score. If they had these feelings, they would have given it an 8, or a 7, because they would have been afraid of gamers jumping down their throat for it.

 I mean come on. Does IGN really need attention? Their reviews are usually the first thing that pops up when you google a game name. I doubt they need this kind of publicity tp function.

I hate gaming news sites! But not you darling Pixlbit!

Posted on 10/07/2014 at 07:18 AM | Filed Under Blogs

The day that review came out I spent large chunks of my time essentially telling the commenters they were entitled cunts, that they hadn't played the game, that reviews are subjective, that reviews are opinions...

 My reviews are biased blog is entirely about the response that review got, and I think it's fucking shameful.

 Yes. I'm going to buy the game, because I've been looking forward to it and it looks like my kind of thing, but it's not everyones. The worst part is that no one on that thread had even played the fucking game.

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