Get pumped! It's really great :)
Get pumped! It's really great :)
X's plot was deep, but It's nothing you won't catch on to within an hour of playing X-2
I see what you're saying, but it's not really about being "the better game". It's just a HD remaster. They're not changing or enhancing anything about the gameplay experience. It's more or less the same game, just nicer to look at.
I agree that Final Fantasy VII and X both benefited from being the first Final Fantasies of a new hardware generation, That wasn't X's appeal to me. When I played it I didn't have any idea of graphics or console wars or hardware capabilities, I just enjoyed it for the game it was. I actually played VII after X, so I can't really speak on how that game was experienced for the first time. So I think the "VII effect" may have had an impact on the sales of these games, but not necessarily the quality or popularity of these games. I mean, look at XIII. That game is gorgeous as hell, but it's polarizing to say the least.
I wouldn't doubt them doing one in the future, and I'd be on board if that was the case, but I doubt that's gonna happen anytime soon, seeing as the graphics aren't nearly outdated. X isn't really either, but XII is considerably more polished than X is obviously. They could do the remaster regardless, but it wouldn't be that big of difference, as it clearly is with X.
No offense taken here. To each their own! I love VII too, but they've made it clear they have no intentions of redoing that anytime soon, so I don't see a point in worrying about it any longer. I agree with you on the X-2 aspect. That was just a mess. A well intentioned mess, but still a mess all the same.
PS3 and PS Vita. Final Fantasy X and X-2 will be packaged on one disc for the PS3 but sold in seperate retail copies for the Vita
FFX was my first Final Fantasy game, and I'd say it was a great introduction. Since you've only played the classics I can't say for sure whether the newer style will be completely up your alley. It's really just a matter of what you like and what you don't like, so I'd say give at least the PS2 version a try. There's no good reason not to.
I like VII too, but at this point I'll just take what I can get. I highly doubt they're gonna do a remake of VII anywhere in the near future, so I've just stopped worrying about it. Just gonna focus on enjoying this.