I loved it, even with it's infuriating difficulty
I loved it, even with it's infuriating difficulty
Trust me, I want to blog more, but it's incredibly tough to do so right now. We've been extremely busy at work and my time at home has been limited as well. I've been trying to keep up with BaD, but so far I think I've only had 3 blogs the entire month, oops!
This is a great game though, very difficult, but still a lot of fun. I think I saw it for $40 at GameStop a week or so ago, so definitely keep an eye out on it!
Lost Odyssy 2
She's one of my favorite actresses.
Her and Emma Stone.
I guess I have a 'thing' for Emma's?
With your hand placement and the face you're making, it looks as if you just got busted trying to strangle your pup.
I like the pic though!
You should've had a caption challenge, lol
That my good friend, is Emma Watson. She's the one who played Hermoine in the Harry Potter movies.
Hmm.. Normally I like to keep this a surprise, but...
One of them is another NIS title
The other is an Xbox One Exclusive
I hit level 9999 in Disgaea D2 with 6 different characters.
It wasn't that bad whenever I added XP boosters to my equipment. The worst part though in their leveling system is the fact that 9999 isn't the max level really, it's 9999 x 255 since you have to factor in reincarnating a character to reach max capacity for stats.
Yeah, I'm not that hardcore.
Disgaea: Great game. I'm really glad I was able to review it. If I hadn't reviewed it, I probably still would be passing over the games, which would be a major mistake on my behalf.
Podcasting: Anytime I'm typically on a Podcast, I try to study any agenda beforehand and research the topics at hand. Even if I know what I'm talking about, I always try to up my game.
I'm on the next Backloggers, and I had no agenda. So I was kind of in the dark with little to say, but I got it done.
JRPGs: I LOVE them! I grew up with them back on the SNES, with FF6 being my cherry popper. My love for the deepened whenever I grabbed a Playstation 1 and experienced games such as Xenogears, Final Fantasy 7-9, and Legend of Legaia!
Dark Souls II: Don't you worry bud, I have a lot up my sleeve for this particular game