Posted on 06/12/2013 at 10:44 PM
| Filed Under Blogs
I think we pretty much agree on most things. Ryse did look really dumb. I actually had hope that it could be a decent Kinect game but then I caught a rumor that it used controller inputs but wow, does it use inputs. I can't believe how cheap the combat seems. I think the main character looks bland as well.
Microsoft really impressed me with its exclusives. I think Titanfall will be addicting online. I think Sunset Overdrive will redeem Insomanic after Fuse. Dead Rising 3 looks awesome but I am annoyed that it seems so serious now.
I am tired of Nintendo playing it so safe! I mean geez! They didn't even let Retro do something different. That talent getting wasted on another Donkey Kong Country game? Granted, I am sure its going to be awesome but I would like to see them work on a different Nintendo property or a new IP.