I wanted to pick this game up but never have. So next time I go to GS or other game store and they have it I am getting it. Granted if it is not 20 bucks or more.
I am ready to play some Battlezone on the Atari ST. Next Gen is just pissing me off.
I love that movie. I have the soundtrack and dvd. do'nt judge me lol.
I wish I could run into a deal like that. Sometimes I get lucky and find some Atari games or NES games at the antique stores for cheap.
I love Zooey Deschanel. Zoe Keating is awesome herself.
This version was made just for the PSP. So I think it may be completely different. I will let you know when I crank it up. I am over half way finished with Half Minute Hero. Once I am done with it I am going to start R&C.
I think the Beach had one of those Parascope games in the arcade on the boardwalk when I was little. It was huge.
She can play the F out of a Cello. Funny thing is I heard about her through Wired Magazine.
Next gen really is not impressing me.
Getting the 3DS is cool. I love mine, make sure you get Fire Emblem Awakening for it.