I can send you a PM if you want to hear the incredibly flirty Ulala story. It's embarrassing. :)
I can send you a PM if you want to hear the incredibly flirty Ulala story. It's embarrassing. :)
How do you find out about these clubs? Are they through the library or something?
I didn't really play the Genesis version much since I didn't have one, but the arcade game was very weird. You could even turn into a robot!
The year 2000 was my last full good year at The Dallas Morning News. I reviewed big name games like Banjo-Tooie and Kirby 64. I even got a front page tagline for Kirby that I wrote: "Think Pink." One of the best E3's I went to as well. I think that model dancer dressed as the Space Channel 5 lady liked me. :) Not going to tell that story, though, unless you want me to. Web sites were asking ME to write for THEM! In fact, I even brought business cards with me to E3 from a place called Zgadz.com, who specialized in game reviews for kids. Sound familiar?
I also was done with college, so even though I hadn't found a job yet, I actually had more money to spend than I did when I was in college! So I was able to catch up on a lot of games I missed, especially ones like Mega Man Legends and The Misadventures of Tron Bonne. Got a lot of Dreamcast games, too. The Game Boy Advance also came out that year and I got to review it and a bunch of games. Really good year overall. It went downhill the next year, though.
Yeah with everything going on right now, I 'unfollowed' a lot of my Facebook friends because they all thought they were politicians and scientists and there was a lot of negativity. I hated doing that, but I was really getting sick of it. I keep away from posting stuff like that, myself. I just post my game reviews and occaisionally something I might find interesting game related. Hopefully you'll still be able to come by Pixlbit and check us out from time to time!
Except in real life you can't pay a raccoon (actually a tanuki) money to expand your house instantly the next day! :)
I've never heard of a photo club.
2000-2004 was a time of highs and lows for me. Started off high, but then went down low. But luckily it ended on a high again. But I'll talk about those times when you write your blogs for those years.
Would 400 square feet be considered a 'tiny house?' I've heard about those over the past few years. I hope I don't ever have to live in any house that small, but I may have to someday with the way things are going.
I didn't have to take many photos for projects in college, but when I did, they mostly wanted us to follow the rules that Pokemon Snap had.