Oh. I thought cloneb was something I just wasn't aware of. I get you now. That is bizarre though. You wouldn't think it would be that difficult.
Oh. I thought cloneb was something I just wasn't aware of. I get you now. That is bizarre though. You wouldn't think it would be that difficult.
I agree that Super Mario World is superior to 3, even if we are in the minority. It just feels tighter, and I liked the level design more.
Out of this list I've played: Super Mario World, Super Mario Brothers 3, Super Mario Sunshine, Super Mario 3D Land, Super Mario Bros 2, Super Mario 64, Super Mario Bros and Super Mario Land. Huh, I've actually played more than I thought.
I'm not sure I quite understand what you're trying to do there, but okay XD
Yeah... the Wiimote doesn't seem great, and it's the main reason I avoided the console really.
What's Devil Survivor like? Also, what do you do for work? I want your job if you can play the 3DS all the time haha.
I've got Shovel Knight for PC. It's pretty awesome. I might have to look into Luigi's Mansion though.
Fair enough. I'd be interested to see you rank the Mario games. Have you done that already?
Hmm, I do really want to playe the SMT games for 3DS. Unfortunately I can't find them. What are they like? Are they similar to Persona at all?
Yeah. I don't know, maybe I've just missed a lot of the truly great Mario games. I've played 3 and World, and loved them. The only other one I played was Sunshine, but I wasn't a fan really.
Yeah. Are there any Metroid games for 3DS? I haven't heard anything about one... I'd totally pick that up.
I was tempted to buy that, but didn't know enough about it for a purchase.