Ahahaha WIN. xD
Ahahaha WIN. xD
I was looking at some screenshots for the DS release- and a lot of them seem pretty poor on first glance. Most of what I saw reminded me of a browser MMO with good backgrounds. You touched a bit on the 3d in your review- do you feel like in 2d this game could've done better?
This happened to me after writing/formatting a really longwinded Ecolibrium review. ;_;
Glad to know it won't happen again!
Played that game for Genesis. Hahaha, good times. :3
It was a hot mess, wasn't it? I was floored reading the posts elsewhere about it... and I know there are a lot of people that apparently got the Japanese version instead? I'd be miffed to say the least. :(
Awww I didn't mean to make you sad! ;_;
I am in the same sinking boat you are. I can sink 80+ hours into a game, but my trouble is my backlog is 95% RPGs. 140+ hours each. ;_;
Someone could sell 'em on etsy for a mint! My girlfriend knows how to bind books... hm... I smell a business in the making! xD
Isn't it nuts? People are literally making their own:
ps, psst- "the oddly titles" needs fixin'. ;)