Right! I also like being able to pay on it. Im not supoose to be charged officially until it launches but my card was charged last night when I preordered the set so I dont kow. Everyone so far as said its jsut a hold and will go away in a few days.
Right! I also like being able to pay on it. Im not supoose to be charged officially until it launches but my card was charged last night when I preordered the set so I dont kow. Everyone so far as said its jsut a hold and will go away in a few days.
I actually liked Realm Reborn when I played the beta on PS3. It was a lot of fun and while it wasnt old FF it still hooked me. I like the demo for Bravely Default and plan to buy the actual game in the next coming weeks. Square just....they give me a headache.
Thank you Aaron, Well if it ends up happening again I will def need that good luck. for now things ended up going onhold because a setback occured. I should have posted might happen,lol! Good luck with your move!
I want that game too!!! I wanna get it for the PS4 but the Wii U one wouldnt be bad either.
Well unless things change again I might not be now. It was for sure set but like anything you experiance a setback which sucks but it happens. For right now, things are up in the air.
I def have been busy but more or less I have forced myself. It keeps me from thinking way too much. Im trying to avoid candy, lucky!
I thought tht excat samething about mine but one is gone now and I only have one left. Im trying to spend has much time as I can with her. Im an Aunt Nicole to two nepthews and they def bring crazyness and happiness to me. Seeing them this weekened really helped. Hey feeling like a kid isnt bad, you can understand and get along with your nieces and nepthews alot easier. Not to mention were all a kid on the inside, we never full grow out of it.
Thank you Vice, Im sorry to hear of your loss. Your such a strong person, hopefully I can be as strong as you in handling this one day. I know how your feeling, very much I do. I hope you had a great day.
Thank you Captain N, Your completely right that we should cherish the special moments and hold onto the memories of our loved ones. Life is def precious and can be gone with the wink of an eye. I think sometimes Im still in shock he is gone ya know. He was always there and now all the sudden for 4 years he hasnt been here. Ill always hold my memory of him and Im def happy he is no longer suffering. Im glad you got a second 1up, Your a good friend and Im happy to have ya as one :). We will def have to game soon, I still have my Wii U and 3DS I dont know though if you have any online games we share on them but I am aiming to get another PS3 as soon as possiable.