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Cary Woodham's Comments - Page 205

Hmmmm - Pool of Radiance

Posted on 06/07/2020 at 08:52 PM | Filed Under Blogs

When I was a kid I really liked a LucasFilm point and click adventure called Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders.  It had a similar anti-piracy measure.  The game came with a passport book with codes for you to enter every time you would fly on a plane.  If you entered the code wrong too many times, you'd get sent to jail and the game would end.  But the game also came with a mock tabloid newspaper (the main character was a tabloid reporter), and the newspaper articles contained hints on what to do in the game.

Nerdy Stuff Done Today

Posted on 06/07/2020 at 09:39 AM | Filed Under Blogs

When Ren & Stimpy first came out, I was a teen and really liked it.  But now I can't stand it.  Just goes to show you how tastes can change. But I was excited when I first heard about the Game Boy game, but then I heard it wasn't very good so I skipped out on it.

In which the heat is (bump,bump,bump,bump) on..

Posted on 06/07/2020 at 09:38 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Too bad you didn't get Link's Awakening.  That's my number one favorite Zelda game!

Progression in Animal Crossing is a bit slow, but don't worry, you'll get there.  Let me know if you have any specific questions.

That's cool that you modded your SNES Mini. I'd do that, too, if I had the knowhow and time.

One GBA game I'd like to suggest to you is Astro Boy: Omega Factor.

Ladies Night Reviews

Posted on 06/06/2020 at 09:40 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Have you played through Trials of Mana on the Collection of Mana yet?  I got to the last boss and couldn't defeat it, even after a week of grinding, so I said screw it and watched the ending on YouTube and started the Trials of Mana remake.

I will skip out on Xenoblade.

I reviewed one of the Dead or Alive games and if you can get past the fanservice, it's a good fighter.  Now the DOA Volleyball games?  Now those are bad.

I tried to get a review copy of the new Samurai Shodown game, but I wasn't able to.  Is Poppy the dog in it?

The Dark World of Pirates' Peggles

Posted on 06/06/2020 at 09:36 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Too bad you didn't like the Shantae game because Pirate's Curse is one of my favorites.  Right now I'm playing Shantae and the Seven Sirens and working on my review of it.  I really like it so far.  It has fully animated and voiced cutscenes and makes me wish there was a Shantae cartoon!

Ladies Night Reviews

Posted on 06/04/2020 at 08:35 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Well, maybe Knights and Bikes was being made before Microsoft purchased Double Fine, so they went ahead and released it on other systems.  When I asked them at PAX if they were sitll going to release Psychonauts 2 on other systems, they said yes for the same reasons, so maybe that's it.

Ladies Night Reviews

Posted on 06/04/2020 at 08:33 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I do have respect for FF7.  It tried a lot of new things and the presentation was years ahead of its time.  And I did play it all the way through.  I just liked FF6 so much more and the differences I didn't like about FF7 were what they focused on in later games, so I become more and more disinterested in FF games after that.  Except for FF9.  And Brave Fencer Musashi was a happy surprise on PSOne.  And right now I'm playing the remake of Trials of Mana and am enjoying that.  Although now I'm reviewing Shantae and the Seven Sirens so that one is taking a backseat for a while.  I wonder if you can guess who my favorite Trials of Mana character is?

I do have that SNK Heroines game.  I didn't write about it, though, because while Gals Fighters was silly, SNK Heroines focused more on fan service.  I mean, poor Leona is forced to wear a cat bikini suit, and she doesn't seem too happy about that.  I guess if enough people want me to, I guess I can write about SNK Heroines, too.

Ladies Night Reviews

Posted on 06/04/2020 at 08:27 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I never played the Game Gear Streets of Rage!

Almost Perfect - Perfect Dark

Posted on 06/04/2020 at 08:26 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I never played the N64 Perfect Dark, as I'm not into FPS games.  But when the Perfect Dark game on 360 was on sale for like, ten bucks, I got it for my brother Jeff.  I know that version didn't get as good reviews, but my brother enjoyed it.  At least for ten bucks.

Corona-BaD: Star Date 06042020

Posted on 06/04/2020 at 08:25 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I got the Quest for the Golden Duck for 3 cents because it looked like Pac-Man.

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