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SanAndreas's Comments - Page 207

Why Sony's

Posted on 07/03/2013 at 11:11 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm going to go ahead and get a PS4 for Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts III, plus a couple of other things, and hope that other neat stuff shows up.

The thing is, I don't think Sony's stunt was quite so BS. To me, it was never implied that Sony would outright ban DRM, as I figured they would fear EA pulling its support, and I do think that Microsoft's DRM was bullshit and needed to be nipped in the bud. While I've no doubt they'll try to go full digital and always online in the next round, at least the kibosh has been put on it for now.

In the 1980s we went from shared computing on dumb clients connected to mainframes to having our own computing power, and it was a revolution. In 2013, they seem to be taking that freedom from us and chaining us back to shared mainframe computing, now known by the euphemism "cloud computing", using shitty thin terminals, which to me is like taking away private telephone lines and putting us back on party lines. Which is also true, in a sense, if Edward Snowden is to be believed. :)

At least in the 1970s your dumb terminal didn't have an always-on camera spying on you.

Why Sony's

Posted on 07/03/2013 at 11:03 PM | Filed Under Blogs

The development of the home computer was one of the great breakthroughs of modern computing, freeing users from the shackles of the mainframe computer and paid "computer time." I guess the overlords of the computing world decided that was too much responsibility for us peasants to handle, because we're being lockstepped towards "cloud computing", which is little different from the mainframes of old in that a corporation holds the keys to the content you paid for, accessed through dumb terminals (now euphemistically called "thin clients".)

Super Smash Bros. (Wii U/3DS) Preview

Posted on 06/29/2013 at 11:31 PM | Filed Under Preview

I like the off-the-wall choices.

However,  since Namco is developing the game, I'd like to see more Namco influence to the game. Beyond Pac-Man or Jin Kazama, Namco has a lot of great potential characters from its old arcade games, Soulblade/Soulcalibur, Tales, .hack, or other series. 10th Anniversary Reviews!

Posted on 06/29/2013 at 11:13 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I picked up Project X Zone. Looks like a pretty cool RPG, and I'm digging that they included Sakura Wars and Valkyria Chronicles characters in it.

BTW, free-to-play games are never truly free. Unless you're willing to spend money on them, they're always gimped.

Request: Talk to me about Dragon's Dogma!

Posted on 06/29/2013 at 12:05 AM | Filed Under Blogs

It's DMC: The RPG. I really like its combat. Wish it had a little more narrative punch, but the gameplay blows almost any other action RPG out of the water except *maybe* Demon's Souls, and that's what counts in a game like this.

No more $10,000 patches! MS Continues to cave in

Posted on 06/27/2013 at 09:59 PM | Filed Under Blogs

At the end of the day, Tami, it's all down to the wallet vote. Microsoft - as well as Sony and Nintendo - generally don't change their minds on bad policies until it hits them in the pocketbook, especially if a competitor is offering a better deal. I'm grateful for Sony and the PS4 in the coming generation... but this was only after Sony learned its own harsh lessons on arrogance in the current gen.

IGN Complains New Super Luigi U Has No Story

Posted on 06/27/2013 at 09:47 PM | Filed Under Blogs

And this is why I don't take video game reviews seriously anymore. With folks like IGN around, who needed Roger Ebert? These reviewers today are as pathetic as the folks who were gushing over early 90's FMV "interactive movies" as the next step in gaming while dismissing the great console and PC action, adventure, and RPG games as garbage for children. Pathetic.

Look, I like the stories in some of my favorite video games, but not every game needs to have a story. In case IGN forgot, that isn't the point of video gaming.

Community Poll #9

Posted on 06/25/2013 at 10:54 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Lunar and Lunar 2. Those are such charming RPGs.

Back to Final Fantasy, it seems...

Posted on 06/25/2013 at 10:51 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Final Fantasy V is a game I've grown to appreciate more and more over the years. At first I was disappointed over the lack of splash and bravado in it compared to its 16-bit siblings, but it really is quite a subtle and elegant package. Also, I think the GBA version of FFV is the best version released in the US.

E3 2013: The Future of Final Fantasy

Posted on 06/21/2013 at 11:21 PM | Filed Under Feature

I'm looking forward to FFXV, but I'm not as down on recent Final Fantasy games as a lot of other people. My favorite Final Fantasy is VII. My second favorite Final Fantasy, however, is XII - a game I feel combines the best of old and new in the series and a game I would have been quite fine with being the template for the future of the FF series. That said, I'm also looking forward to the FFX HD collection.

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