Do you feel better since Feb?
Do you feel better since Feb?
That's pretty much my sentiment.
I use Facebook way more than Twitter and will continue doing so under a different account, since it consists of people I actually know. Twitter is nothing but political bitch fests where I don't fully agree with anyone and everything is a war of words. I'm only using it to message Julian.
What Gamecube games ya got?
I love trivia games and it's easier now to understand why college students love that damn Kahoot! game so much.
Name of the Wind sounds interesting. Student loan fantasies.
1. I hate how long so many of these damn games are. You brought this up this podcast when discussing Yakuza. Ironically, I'm fine with the way Yakuza is long, cause you can finish the main story much faster than in 30 hours, the side content is just actually good enough to make you want to play it more. My beef is with games whose stories go well above 20 hours, cause as a single-player gamer, that to me is the meat of a game.
2. Menu systems you're forced to spend time in. I realize this is usually something that happens when I play games that aren't really "for me," but inventories like Witcher III are a huge turn off for me because of how massive they are. I just want to play the damn game without worrying about which seven varieties of plant I need to mix to ... I'm getting mad just thinking about this.
3. ANY GAME THAT DOESN'T WORK ON MY PC. I have a GAMING LAPTOP, GTA IV! WHAT IS YOUR MALFUNCTION?! I guess any game that requires you to make or sign into a separate account is a subcomplaint of this complaint, because it exacerbates this iss ... again, my blood pressure is rising, so I'll stop.I bought this thing cause Adobe Suite should work on it, so I should probably get on using that.
Speaking of the devaluation of games, I need to stop buying things for $5 I know I'll never play. I still have sso much bigger of a backlog than I ever did with previous systems.
I completely understand not playing games when you have the time. In my case, being unemployed and looking now, I neglect gaming because I feel like it's a "less legitimate" pastime I should not focus on vs. playing guitar and reading. And yet, I'd probably be less stressed if I just did it. Ironically, I think it may make me more likely to put more in the job search if I took breaks by playing games. I do still want to keep my current exercise/reading/guitar-playing productivity streak going though.
I'm still not entirely sure what this Blockchain thing is. Is it an IoT application? Where can I get coding certified?
I'm typing all this as it comes around 1:20, after deleting all my Twitter likes. I listened to ep 2 of NWP while deleting all my tweets the other day. That was an interesting choice for a sophomore episode.
I trailed off for a second and came in on the "More You Know" jingle. All I have to say is I voted for Kid President.
I prefer vanilla to chocolate ice cream, though I did not catch the context of that. I should probably not scroll through reddit while listening and expect to retain things.
Duolingo was free when I had the app on my phone in 2013.
Yeah, Zero Mission is way more fun than the original. That game is too damn obtuse.
Only sports NES game I played was Double Dribble. I liked that one.