It's fun to read your blogs that make Pokemon sound so strategic. My son used to play a lot but I didn't realize the depth until I started reading your stuff.
It's fun to read your blogs that make Pokemon sound so strategic. My son used to play a lot but I didn't realize the depth until I started reading your stuff.
One thing I liked about working from home was that it didn't cost anything in gas. :)
Now it takes 20 minutes but that's nothing to someone who used to live in Toronto and commute 90 minutes each way on public transit.
Congrats on the PS4, I only have PS3 and Playstation TV but if you can add me on PS4 go ahead. It's Athantos.
I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would.
I didn't know if I would but it's fun.
I thought about the photoshop thing when I was writing but decided not to. Lazy is why.
Only started a few days ago. :0 It's taken me weeks to get to where I am.
I'm glad you're doing this because reading about them seems to be a lot more fun than actually playing them.
I found the Wii game at Best Buy for 10 dollars new.
I had fun with it. I didn't finish but I got my 10 bucks worth out of it.