Yeah according to Futurama, Pac-Dots taste like stale marshmallows. But at E3 one year at Namco's booth when they were promoting Pac-Man World, they served yellow Dipper Dots. Pac-Man eats a lot of weird stuff in Super Pac-Man and Pac & Pal, too.
Yeah according to Futurama, Pac-Dots taste like stale marshmallows. But at E3 one year at Namco's booth when they were promoting Pac-Man World, they served yellow Dipper Dots. Pac-Man eats a lot of weird stuff in Super Pac-Man and Pac & Pal, too.
If I recall, the TwinBee collection on PSP was pretty easy to navigate. I wouldn't have imported it if it weren't.
Everyone's been talking about Pac-Man's 40th Anniversary, but don't forget that it's the four ghosts' anniversary as well.
I used to watch the Japanese version of Iron Chef a long time ago. My favorite was Chef Yellow. I called him Chef Sweaty.
Here's a tip for Sky Kid. You know how when you get shot, you go into a spin dive? Well, if you hit the 'loop-da-loop" button a bunch of times, you have a chance of pulling out of the dive and continuing on. You only truly die when you hit the ground.
I always thought they turned into cats in the NES version. But I guess they could be ghosts. In the arcade, version, they turn into gravestones when you shoot them, but they still dance and cheer.
Yup, the same guy who did the character designs for Dragon Ball, Dragon Quest, and Chrono Trigger, Akira Toriyama, also did the characters for this game.
I have this game, too. I didn't finish it either, though. It just got too long and drawn out. There was a sequel of sorts on the DS, but it was a strategy game. Did you know it also had an anime?
Yes please read this when you can. Pac-Man does eat a lot of healthy food, though, like fruits.
I never got into baseball card collecting, but I had friends who did. When I was a kid, Garbage Pail Kid cards were super popular and everyone collected those. Except me. I never understood the draw of them. Seems kind of gross and I didn't want to spend my meager allowance on stuff like that.
I guess the only cards I collect now are Animal Crossing cards, both eReader and amiibo ones. Also other NIntendo related cards but I don't go out of my way to get them. My brother Jeff loves collecting cards and has a whole binder full of Pokemon cards.
My brother will kill me for saying this, but he never comes to this site so he'll never know. But for a while he collected My Little Pony cards. He got into that 'brony' craze for a while, but I do have to admit the cartoon was pretty good. Heck, they even made a Metal Gear Solid reference in one of the episodes. ANYWAY, I took a couple of his Spike the Dragon cards with me to a convention because I met the lady who does the voice of Spike and other cartoon characters (like Young Trunks from Dragon Ball Z). I had her sign those cards so my brother Jeff was really happy about that because before then, he entered a contest to win some signed cards but lost. But I was able to get him one anyway!
Try and shoot those cheering ladies and see what happens. :)