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Jesse Miller's Comments - Page 22

Help! My Pile of Shame and You.

Posted on 07/02/2012 at 09:33 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Looking through your pile - and my, what a pile it is - I'd reccommend getting through the quick games first.  You could breeze through Uncharted, Vanquish, Bulletstorm, Wet and Batman and put a decent dent in your backlog that way.  I'm in a similar boat, I'm afraid, so I feel your pain.

Nintendo 3DS XL Announced

Posted on 06/25/2012 at 05:05 PM | Filed Under News

You know, I am really torn on this.  I actually wouldn't mind getting a new 3DS and giving my current one to my girlfriend.  However, the sheer size of the XL makes carrying the thing around - something I do daily, believe it or not - a real chore.

Still, that larger screen and the new matte finish are nice touches, making this a harder decision for me than I would like.  Plus what am I supposed to do with my circle pad pro addition?!

Issue 89: Where in the World is E3 2013?

Posted on 06/14/2012 at 05:27 PM | Filed Under Feature

Epic Mickey has been delayed until November 22.  Think perhaps they're doing a Wii U version now?

Lara Croft: Damsel in Distress?

Posted on 06/13/2012 at 04:11 PM | Filed Under Feature

As you may remember, I wrote a blog a while back when the reboot was first introduced.  When I heard that the developers felt like they needed to make an M rated game in order to tell a mature story, I started to get the feeling that they were being lazy in terms of story telling and characterization.  

These latest quotes, really make this aspect stand-out.  What we've seen of the game looks good from a mechanical standpoint, but we've seen very little when it comes to actual character.  I want to see a more mature Lara - a fully realized Lara.  Call me crazy, but I don't get how physical/sexual abuse and overcoming it really equates to creating character.  Sure, these can be elements, but they shouldn't be the focus.

In either event, I'll likely play this when it comes out, but I think that Crystal Dynamics should get some PR people on this that don't suffer from an acute sense of foot in mouth disease.

E3 2012 Episode Four: Post Mortem

Posted on 06/11/2012 at 01:07 PM | Filed Under Feature

Absolutely - we'll be covering any kind of event that pops up to the best of our ability.  Most will likely be streamed through various social media - very much like how E3 was this year.  You can also expect to see more of a presence from us at events like PAX East (the east coast guys that we are) and others.

Crysis 2 is on a long list of games I want to get to.  Luckily for me the summer brings a game drought that will allow me to catch up on others.  At the moment, I'm almost done blasting through the Sly collection (at the end of 3 now).  I'll be reviewing a couple of quick games next in the form of Lollipop Chainsaw and LEGO Batman 2 - after that who knows.  My backlog is a mile long, which is something many PixlBitters out there can relate to.

E3 2012 Episode Four: Post Mortem

Posted on 06/11/2012 at 10:15 AM | Filed Under Feature

Hey Michael, glad you enjoyed our rare teamup episode.  

I hear you on this year's E3.  This wasn't a year that was really for gamers.  It was geared towards showing the products that would theoretically move systems and product off the shelf - which really is always the goal of E3.

I honestly think we'll see less emphasis on E3 in the coming years and more company specific events.  Nintendo didn't wow us with their press conference, but I think they'll have a better showing at the future Wii U event that will see the announcement of a price point and release date.  That's when we'll get all the basic details that we're looking for (online strategy, achievements system, packaged/launch games, etc...).  This is Nintendo's normal MO, but I bet other companies will do this as well.  Sony already reveals quite a bit through their official blog, after all.

I was impressed with Crysis 3.  Admitedly I'm not overly familiar with the franchise - I know that it exists and that it's pretty to look at - but with so many other shooters out there and the fact that I have more of an affinity towards platformers and adventure games I just never made time for it.  

That said, what I saw of the third title has enticed me.  The open world looks like it could open up greater possibilities - it looks like a better realized version of what Rage should have been.  

I think the press conferences were so bad this year it overshadowed the fact that a lot of good games were showed off.  Beyond: Two Souls was a pretty big reveal, Metro: Last Light looks fantastic, Tomb Raider is looking like just the thing that the series needs, Dishonored is one of my most anticipated titles this year, ZombiU brings back horror in a big way, Paper Mario: Sticker Story will certainly get play on my 3DS later this year...there are so many good games coming that I'm starting to get scared that I won't be able to play them all.  All in all, not a bad problem to have.

Wii U GamePad Sports Short Battery Life

Posted on 06/06/2012 at 11:07 AM | Filed Under News

Considering the controller functions, this really isn't a surprise.  It's about the same as the 3DS.  My hope is that Nintendo makes this a moot point by packaging it with a suitably long power/sync chord.  Anything under six feet is unacceptable.  Ten feet would be preferable.

Ubisoft Announces Watch Dogs

Posted on 06/05/2012 at 03:49 PM | Filed Under News

This trailer was one of the bigger highlights of the show for me so far.  Nice and inovative - what the new Splinter Cell should have been in my opinion.

Wii U Pro Controller Shown

Posted on 06/04/2012 at 11:29 AM | Filed Under News

You know, in terms of pure ergonomics the GameCube pad was my favorite.  Though, I must admit, the Xbox controller had more overall functionality.  It would have been nice to see more of a blending of those two concepts in this purely supplemental controller.

New Ratchet and Clank Incoming

Posted on 05/30/2012 at 02:28 PM | Filed Under News

To be fair, we said it wouldn't be announced at E3 ;)

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