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Wii U Pro Controller Shown

It looks more than a little familiar and it comes in black too!

The main focus of Nintendo’s pre-E3 video presentation may have been on the newly dubbed Wii U GamePad and some of the online functionalities, but there were a couple of other surprising details slipped in as well – chief among these being the revelation of yet another Wii U controller called, the Wii U Pro Controller.

The Pro Controller bears a striking resemblance to Microsoft’s iconic Xbox controller in terms of shape and general button layout; a decision that was likely made to lure in 3rd party developers and hardcore gamers who desire a more traditional control scheme than what is offered by the tablet style GamePad.

Another interesting aspect is that both the Pro and GamePad controllers were shown in black at some point during the presentation, indicating that players will likely have multiple color options on or around system launch later this year.

No other details are known at this time, but it is likely that we’ll learn more at this week’s E3 concerning its use and eventual availability, as well as how the two controllers may interact with each other.

What do you think of this newly announced supplemental controller?  Let your thoughts be known in the comments section below.



Joaquim Mira Media Manager

06/04/2012 at 10:05 AM

It looks like a comforatble controller to use, but I don't think I will be needing one.

Our Take

Angelo Grant Staff Writer

06/04/2012 at 10:36 AM

That controller looks like it avoided a lawsuit by about an inch and a D-Pad. Looks like something that should work really well though!


06/04/2012 at 11:25 AM

It's better than the stupid Wiimote, oh I went there. If they were going to emulate anybody I'm glad it was Microsoft, the 360 controller is my favorite I've ever played on out of all the controllers I've played over the generations.

Jesse Miller Staff Writer

06/04/2012 at 11:29 AM

You know, in terms of pure ergonomics the GameCube pad was my favorite.  Though, I must admit, the Xbox controller had more overall functionality.  It would have been nice to see more of a blending of those two concepts in this purely supplemental controller.


06/04/2012 at 11:45 AM

The Gamecube pad was perfect for the kinds of games it wanted to play. RE5 and the GC Zelda games performed flawlessly and comfortably, but there wasn't enough funtionality on that pad to accomadate a comfortable experience for other genres and design styles. Halo, Half Life, or Portal would've never worked on a GC pad. The 360 pad has excellent functionality, and its ergonomics are decent.

I personally loved the ergonomics of not only the GC controller but even the N64 controller, and the SNES, and the NES. I've never hated a Nintendo pad until the Wiimote came along. I agree with you, it would've been nice to have more of a blending between a classic Nintendo ergonomic design and the functionality of a 360 controller.

This Pro controller technically has the functionality of a 360 controller from I can see, but it doesn't actually seem very ergonomic to me. It's just shiny, and that doesn't make for a good controller. There's not a lot of space between the X button and the right thumbstick. The shell seems a tiny bit bloated, and the thumbstick grips don't seem very convincing to me. That single ridge will erode fairly quickly and you'll be left with a smooth pad that will slip around too much. The GC pad had thumbsticks with several ridges to catch your skin. The fact that the right hand alphabet inputs are below the joystick might cause you to accidently press them because many people's thumbs will come close to resting right over them, especially people with smaller hands and children.

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