Get Mike a laptop for his 10th birthday.
I'm an ass ...
Of these, I have only played RAMPAGE, but not the version you have.
I wish I could have stepped foot in toys r us before it closed.
It just wasn't as impressive when I played it as when everyone else got their hands on it and I got annoyed by some of the stealth sections. And I liked the story, but thought it was overhyped a bit. Plus, there's a certain "grit" to the visual texture of the game that doesn't appeal to me all that much.
Don't get me wrong, TLoU mostly does everything right, but if I had to list my complaints, those would be it. Those and a couple too many crate puzzles, cause Naughty Dog.
I think the fact TLoU 2 is about hate will make it more interesting to me. I've heard the zombie survival story and rag tag teams banding together story enough. A story that delves into how that environment might corrupt someone's soul just appeals to me more. Plus, there's a certain "gloss" to TLoU 2's visuals I prefer to the former's "grit." Just looks cleaner and more "next gen" to me. I get why grit works for a zombie apocalypse, but I prefer a dark style with a little shine.
I'm currently playing bg&e on steam. Funny i play that first on my new $1,000 gaming laptop, but whatever, it runs silky smooth.
I always forget From Software was around before Dark Souls, to be honest.
I think I'll like TLOU2 a lot more than TLOU. It just appeals to me more and I won't play it 2 years after its launch this time.
Man, I'll never finish horizon zero dawn at this rate. Madoka Magika sounds interesting. I'm not as into some of the E3 games as everyone else and never played RE2, but Sekiro looks cool. Ghosts of Tsushima was probably still my favorite new game shown. I still need to play my Steam copy of RAGE.
Always loved the live performance of "Domination" at Moscow '91 concert.
I missed most of the LEGO Villains coverage it seems. I'll have to check that out.
Just Dance would be fun to play alone. Playing with other people is not a good look for me, especially if I want a date.
BG&E is first on my list for Steam.