Oh no! Windows 8! GO BACK TO 7! Or don't, I've heard it's not that bad once you get used to it.
Also, there is no pic.
Also Also, going back to ME1 after playing 2 and 3 will be a fucking nightmare for you.
Oh no! Windows 8! GO BACK TO 7! Or don't, I've heard it's not that bad once you get used to it.
Also, there is no pic.
Also Also, going back to ME1 after playing 2 and 3 will be a fucking nightmare for you.
That's fair enough, but still, you didn't sound that bad. This website is pretty darn forgiving as long as you're not a complete cunt about it.
Well then we'll drop it. Subject dropped. Droppederuno. Having you to talk to is worth more than some stupid argument.
That sounded less gay in my head.
Also, my last comment was made before reading this one.
Also: Rule one of the internet, don't ever delete your comments, it looks like you're hiding something. And there's nothing in there that really needed to be deleted anyway. It's not that offensive or anything. I've said worse, and deleting it only makes you more of a target.
Fine. I won't ever talk to you again.
Yep. All Lesbians were totally straight until daddy messed with them. None of them are just naturally attracted to the same sex. None of them just think women are better in bed. They're all just waiting for the right man - who are all evil and are going to hell but are also a woman's only hope for salvation - to give her a good dicking and set her straight.
Seriously, maybe we should start another holocaust, but just with stupid people. Not academically dumb, just people who believe shit like this.
You'll think twice before you comment on one of my blogs because we had an argument? People argue. Seriously. I'm not angry at you, I was just trying to get my point across. Seriously, if people stopped commenting on my blogs because we argued, I'd have no followers on here. Just ask Jgusw and Casey.
I've seen more posts with this username that say that men are a curse, the y chromosone was a mistake, and that women need to not be submissive and take control and shit like that.
Which is weird, because the bible promotes man being the dominant one in a relationship.
Dude, I don't mind. People argue. Doesn't mean I hate you or anything or think that you should keep your opinion to yourself. IT only means we have differing opinions haha.
Your reason for being banned is fucked though, even if I agree with nothing else you've said haha.
Wait... no, it's not Jeremy Parish. I was thinking of Bob McKay. Jeremy's kinda cool. He used to comment on my blogs and helped reinstate my account.
Have you ever thought maybe he's just trying to bring a level academia to gaming journalism and any lack of understanding is a failure on your behalf? Maybe you aren't his target audience, and if you aren't, do you have a right to troll and treat him like garbage because you can't understand what he's saying?
Sorry but if you treated me like that I wouldn't reinstate your account either.
Sorry, I didn't mean to come off as this rude or harsh, but A) I'm tired, and B) I've dealt with people giving me shit because of the way I write as well, and it kinda pisses me off when I see it happening.