Thats excatly way I wish some of these cover arts were the ones that actually got used. This stuff would have been big eye candy for gamers.
Thats excatly way I wish some of these cover arts were the ones that actually got used. This stuff would have been big eye candy for gamers.
Oh I know what site you speak of, Ive gone there here and there but they mostly have stuff that is the original cover for the game. Comes in handy for older games though!
I think this is blowing up in a big way because of the whole thing with the sorceress of Dragons Crown. Let me rephase that, Dragns Crown started the yelling and the screaming and this continues it I think is best way to put it actually. I dont see the problem, the creator wanted a more sexy verison of the character and bam their it is. Atleast thats what a article I read said....Hope it was right. I might only be turning 24 september 10th but Ill never be ashamed of gaming. I love it, I live it, I breath it. No one can change that. People will attack games but hey, let them haters hate! We wont let them get us down BrokenH!
If a game is being sold used then it already made its new sale buy by the previous owner. The devs got their money from that game. Used is never pushed on me at GS, but I do buy used games occasinally so they know that ill ask the used price if I want it. I dont see it the same as piracy. Piracy to me is not paying anything at all to anyone. Completely free, which can get you jail time so Ill stick to buying my stuff from stores.
I plan to do it myself at some point. I love stuff like this!
I looked at the site and couldnt find covers,lol.You will have to help me on that one.
I welcome you to your new addiction ^_^ Your welcome!
Kinightdriver Ive been keeping up with DS 2 and im def wanting to get my hands on it. Beta would be a awesome thing to do.
No you jsut want to stay in Eorzea till the end of bloody time,lol!
I personally dont see the whole reason for the complete thing. You can find ten times better artcover for a case on the net and learning a game by experiancing it has always been a thing for me I mean a manuel can be nice but not a nesscity. Im not saying its wrong, just dont see a point is all. Its when people use GS as a rental service that their in the wrong. I dont agree with that shit at all. You didnt do that so I wouldnt be worried.