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Jon Lewis's Comments - Page 23

N7 Day: What Mass Effect Means to Me

Posted on 11/07/2012 at 09:05 AM | Filed Under Feature

Mass Effect means a lot to me as well. You can hear most of my opinion's about it on the podcast Julian mentioned, but it was one of the most important games of this console generation in my opinion. 

The fiction is incredibly deep, and fleshed out. The characters are some of my favorite in all of gaming. The games themselves all provided something memorable, and long lasting that makes me want to play each one over again, which usually isn't the case. I actually went out and bought Novels and Comics based on the fiction because I enjoy it so much.

People can complain and nitpick on things like the ME3 ending, or its sacrifice of RPG gameplay for more Shooter-style gameplay, but in the end the series stands as one of the industries best I feel. A lot of that does come from personal investment of course, so people who aren't into story or characters as much may not feel as attatched as i do, but I still feel everyone should try the series because they might find something to enjoy.

Borderlands 2 Review

Posted on 10/28/2012 at 05:38 PM | Filed Under Review

In my opinion, Borderlands 2 is a fantastic game. Everything is better than it is in the first; Better Classes, Better Story, Better Loot, Better Co-Op. It's the whole package. Sure, there are still some nagging things about the mission structure and physics but overall, its a great value, and fun experience. If you were a fan of the first game, Borderlands 2 is a no-brainer. 

Halo 4 Preview

Posted on 10/28/2012 at 04:56 PM | Filed Under Preview

oh, ok. I wasn't particularly sure. I only got to use the Light Rifle once but thats good to know. Thanks!

The Last Story Review

Posted on 10/27/2012 at 12:44 AM | Filed Under Review

I said JRPG maybe two or three times in the review. Its not a crutch, but its a logical comparison in my view.

ZombiU Preview

Posted on 10/26/2012 at 12:28 PM | Filed Under Preview

Reguarding Resources, they seemed fewer, and farther between. You really are encouraged to save your shots and in some cases, avoid firefights. In other previews that I've read, I saw that there are flares that draw zombie attention, allowing people to aviod fights all together. That seems like it will be very important in the gameplay, especially if you have a survivor that managed to find a lot of good items.

Speed was fine, there is definitely a slower pace to the movement, and its easy to feel overwhelmed by zombies at some points but thats a good thing in the context of the game. I haven't played left for dead too much, but it reminds me of it in some aspects, but it seems more based on survival than anything.

Guild Wars 2 First Impressions

Posted on 10/24/2012 at 11:16 AM | Filed Under Feature

Nice article. Daniel. I've been interested in trying to get into GW2 a lot lately, and all I've heard so far are good things. Hopefully when I have some free time, (or when I can find the game for a really good price) ill pick it up and give it a shot.

What are your 5 favorite title screen themes?

Posted on 10/23/2012 at 02:56 PM | Filed Under Blogs

In no particular order, Metroid Prime 2, Pokemon Blue, Megaman Battle Network 6, Mass Effect 3, Halo 3, with additional mention to Baten Kaitos, Super Metroid, Megaman 2, Uncharted, LoZ Twilight Princess and LoZ: Skyward Sword

Episode 8: Femme Fatales

Posted on 10/05/2012 at 11:23 PM | Filed Under Feature

yeah, I love Trip. I need to finish Enslaved, one of the more underrated games of this gen.

Episode 8: Femme Fatales

Posted on 10/05/2012 at 09:00 PM | Filed Under Feature

I'm aware that Samus and Chun-Li were safe answers, but they honestly are my favorites, especially Samus. I mean Metroid being my favorite series, i'd be lying if i didnt say Samus. Jade from BG&E is a great choice too. 

As for Secondary characters, I do have one thats more original. Elika from PoP 2008. She definitely embodied a great secondary character and had some really emotional moments in the game, especially at the end. 

Others I can think of that are cool;

 Fang (FFXIII)

Amaterasu (Okami)  

Sharla (Xenoblade)

I know there are others that im forgetting, but those come to mind.

Episode 77: Girlfriend Mode

Posted on 09/18/2012 at 01:03 AM | Filed Under Feature

maybe it was because you didn't import your saves or something, im not sure. there are a few variables but yeah, if you do another playthrough u might find a way to save her. She is a bit cruel about it, but to her, they kept the Quarian race off of their own homeworld for years, enough to create a pretty big prejudice id say. Tali handled it better than other Quarians would have i think, but yeah, its interesting i suppose.

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