Cool, hope you like it. It also seems that alot of people here have played the original in some form or the other.
Cool, hope you like it. It also seems that alot of people here have played the original in some form or the other.
Great to hear from you again. Sucks about the pain, but I hope you get better! Congrats on beating MGS 2! I've been beating games I put down a while back too. Right now I'm going through Resident Evil 4, not sure how far into it I am, but I'm really enjoying it so far.
I'm looking forward to Zelda and Xenoblade X too, they are my most wanted games this year. I would say I'm looking forward to The Phantom Pain, but I don't have a PS4. But it doesn't mean I don't think it looks really great. I will look into it when I do get a PS4 down the road.
I used to collect Hot Wheels cars in my early teens, mostly from the Highway 35 World Race 35th anniversary thing. I don't have em anymore, and I wish I did because they are expensive. While I don't collect them anymore, I do buy some from time to time, like movie ones or Batmobiles. I can show them to you in an image if you like.
Neat, I don't tweet often but here's my twitter handle. Warning, I post about Nintendo often in either images or in tweets.
My brother tells me the same thing too about anime.
I remember watching Lupin on Toonami or Adult Swim a long time ago and it was a really great anime. Never finished it though. Sucks you got sick, hope you get well soon. Looking forward to the achievement.
I never played it on NES, only the arcade version or whatever. I do have it on the Wii U though but I think it doesn't have Mike Tyson. And everytime I think of Mike Tyson, I think of this:
Try it when you get the chance. And unlocking stories through the games is neat. If you like weird games, then you'll like this game.
Yeah, you might if the Wii U you get comes with a copy since there are different bundles now.