How could you "put down" blood dragon! Ever sicne I bought that game last week I couldn't put it down besides just to sleep! It has so much style, charm and 80's action cheese that I just had to become the ultimate bad ass I could be in that game. I've almost got all the trophies to my game. Also I like that I'ma ble to get a taste of what Far Cry 3 is like. Too bad I won't be owning that game due to it's online pass, unless the rumored Far Cry collection due out in Feburary gets rid of it.
I'm in the same boat as youw hen it comes to new gen vs next gen. I don't see myself getting a new gen system just yet. If anyting I want to bolster my prior gen systems with games and even as far as GC/PS2 titles. Oddly my local stores are having fewer and fewer decent game offerings with those systems.