I'm actually kind of looking forward to this. Wayforward knows how to make a good game, and the IP is an interesting one for sure.
I'm actually kind of looking forward to this. Wayforward knows how to make a good game, and the IP is an interesting one for sure.
Given this news, I'm actually becoming more interested in the 2013 releases at this point than 2012. BioShock Infinite, Metro: Last Light, Prey 2 and Rainbow 6: Patriots are all some of my most anticipated titles and are all slated to come out next year.
It's great that Rayman Origins is getting a sequel, and the Wii U version looks like it will have a few features that may make it the definitive version. I'm looking forward to this.
I think this is a good move. THQ has a lot riding on the success of this game, so a couple of more months to make it the best that it can be is a good decision. I'm also guessing that it will give them some time to start developing DLC that could help support the flailing publisher.
Looking forward to this one.
I've been hoping to hear some actual news on this game for quite some time. While a PC version seems like a no brainer, I'm hopeful that this will also come to the consoles as well. Perhaps we'll learn more at this year's E3.
I'm not so quick to write this off. Nintendo doesn't make a habbit of picking up domains without something in mind of them.
Micheal117, that is exactly what I would recommend. NG3 is not a bad game, but campared to the past iterations it just doesn't stack up. If you haven't played the first, I would still recommend that before getting into the second. It still holds up fairly well, and is even cheaper than the second game.
I remember playing this one as soon as it came out. I had been tracking it for a while and though it isn't the most original RPG to come out, it was still quite fun.
Discussion is good and we could certainly go on about this. Tell you what - tune back in here on Monday afternoonish...I'll have something up that will provide a better platform.
I'm not going to disagree that there haven't been quality titles, but the market isn't stocked like it was with the PS2 and PSOne. And though I'm not going to disagree with your thoughts on VGchartz - it's the only source I've found that can substantiate any claims to even remotely valid numbers concerning some of the titles you cited. If you have numbers to back your claims, then awesome.
And that Amulur number is accurate. It's been reported by many sources, not VGchartz. And your Pokemon white sales are great - but remember that had almost a year's head start. 3.4 million in 2 days is impressive no matter how you slice it.
And I can agree with Dragon Quest X - though I think the MMO portion may turn many traditional gamers off. Time will tell, but I'll give it a try. I love the DQ series.