Gat out of Hell is on the PSN store for like $8.00 which I plan on buying if I get a card for Christmas! hahahah
Gat out of Hell is on the PSN store for like $8.00 which I plan on buying if I get a card for Christmas! hahahah
I miss my psp. I plan on getting another one. I miss playing MGS Portable opps!
Joe: its like when music went from vinyl to cds. The vinyl had inserts and linear notes and photos. The cd was too small and I couldnt even read the credits. Heck, the other day I saw a Bag of cereal! The cereal wasnt even in a box. that was part of my childhood reading the back of the cereal box while I was eating the cereal.
Matt, I can remember going through the playstation(1) game manuals like they were comic books...Metal Gear Solid was the first game I bought and it has a nice big manual, for a PSX game
Kightdriver..I buy digital games because lately on the PSN store they are so cheap but somewhere down the line I eventually buy the physical game for a backup and I too like owning the physical game. But yeah, when I do buy a used game I am excited when it has all the original manuals and stuff
Joe, I've always heard they are scarey games and so far the first one has some scarey moments. Its a standard FPS. You're sent in to investigate a Leader gone bad. Standard story but gameplay is fun. The girl in it..I havent got a clue what thats about
James, you should be able to find them pretty cheap right now. Ive read where FEAR 3 isnt any good but Im gonna buy it anyway
I've played a little of each game but never got far into them. I think I need a bigger TV because FEAR 1 the stuff on the screen seems so small. But Im gonna give them anther go round
Hahahah.....Halochief....that's the truth for sure!
The new TV looks nice. Thats a nice set up you have there. At least the training guides didnt go to waste