After going 400 hours and obtaining a Platinum trophy....I can say with authority that DS II is easily worth that 20 bucks.
It's also my GOTY for 2014.
After going 400 hours and obtaining a Platinum trophy....I can say with authority that DS II is easily worth that 20 bucks.
It's also my GOTY for 2014.
good looking out on that tip from Slick Deals....I actually ended up ordering one of those Mario Kart 7 2DS handhelds and cancelling that portion of my Wal Mart order....saved me 70 bucks at least.
Thank you much Chris!!
I hear you about stretching that skrilla. I'm probably only getting one game for xmas for the ps3, Shadow Of Mordor. I'm good with that though...the gf and I are getting a 2ds to share, which is to say that I'm getting a 2ds lol.
Plenty of rpg goodness to be had there, from what I gather.
Yeah Black Friday sucks. I'm going to ask my woman for Mordor for xmas, and I'll end up buying a copy of Far Cry 4 for myself this week when I get paid.
And that in a nutshell takes care of Darth for holiday season.
Oh, and I need a new pair of Nikes....so there'll be that.
Nah...our bosses are good people. Stand up guys the lot of them. They dont take breaks either.
They'll take their lunch breaks and be content to watch the rest of us work 9-10 hours without any of our breaks. I've lost respect for our corpo-trainers due to this.
I have the worst luck in following guides that were written up as plain text files, myself. Last guide I used that was an offender was a plain text guide for Persona 2 Eternal Punishment.
Trying to read the demon negotiation stuff in that guide was an exercise in futility.
Ive made mention of the boxes to management once or twice, but honestly...I think those guys are more concerned with other areas right now, like getting the corporate trainers out of the way so they can have full control of their restaurant. On that note, I truly don't blame them; it's time for the training wheels to come off. Today is actually the last day that corporate is in our restaurant, so thank god for that. We're going to feel it without them there for sure, but at the same time the work environment won't be quite as stressful as it has been.
As far as the staff doing their part....I can't even really count on them to make it out to the dumpsters with the trash bags from their own areas. The people in prep strike me as a bit lazy, as they're the chief offenders in leaving piles of boxes and trash in the sally port area and in front of the door.
Anyhow, i'll keep bringing it to the powers-that-be, and hopefully we can all get on the same page before it becomes a problem as opposed to the gripe/issue is currently is.
i think you may be taking this a tad bit too serious.
Pirates worked hard.