I would love to try it out, Nick. I like those kinds of games.
I would love to try it out, Nick. I like those kinds of games.
On the Thor table, just above the flippers, there are circles that light up when you beat one of the challenges.
Symphonia was my gateway Tales game, too. I also have Tales of Legendia and Tales of the Abyss for the PS2, too.
Oh, I know all about saving. I usually keep several save files going and rotate between them, just in case I do something stupid and want to go back and try something different. The hour was late and I was lulled into a false sense of security because the rest of the monsters in that area were pretty easy. Apparently, that was one of the harder bosses. It killed my party five times before I managed to defeat it, and I had two dead party members at the end of the battle. The walkthrough suggested level 16 for the party, I finally beat it with level 21 party members.
A lot of rpgs do that. It's stupid. And my thought is if the game doesn't have multiple endings, what's the point?
See, I really liked Zestiria a lot. I have yet to play a Tales game I didn't like (although the sequel to Tales of Symphony is definitely my least favorite of the franchise by far). What didn't you like about it?
And Berseria has a completely different vibe to it than Zestiria. A lot darker.
Yes, I have Legendia for the PS2. It's the first game I played after my dad died, and weirdly enough, one of the characters was named Moses, which was my dad's name. I didn't know that before I started playing it.
Berseria is a prequel to Zestiria . It's a stand-alone game, though.
I really liked Zestiria. I'm sorry you couldn't get into it.
No, the Tales games don't generally have multiple endings. Just New Game+.
While not my favorite of the Tales games, it was pretty good. What I think I like the best about many of the storylines in the Tales series is that there isn't really any black or white. The bad guys aren't necessarily truly evil, they may think that the horrible things they're doing are going to make the world a better place.